本文选题:文化产业 切入点:资本错配 出处:《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》2017年02期
[Abstract]:With the development of the 13th Five-Year Plan, China's cultural industry is developing vigorously and is gradually becoming a pillar industry in the national economic development.At the same time, the cultural industry is also an important field of supply-side reform, and the main goal of the supply-side reform of cultural industry is to solve the problem of resource mismatch, optimize the efficiency of resource allocation, and improve the total factor productivity.This paper deeply analyzes the present situation and causes of resource mismatch in Chinese cultural industry, and explores the improvement mechanism of cultural industry agglomeration on resource mismatch from two aspects: the life cycle theory of industrial agglomeration and the agglomeration externality of new economic geography theory.Reveal the path choice of Chinese cultural industry development from the perspective of supply-side reform.
【作者单位】: 南京大学商学院;
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