本文选题:电子游戏 切入点:波兰电子游戏产业 出处:《中国青年政治学院》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,波兰电子游戏产业经历了快速发展,波兰本土游戏的企业投资正在不断增长,已经能够跟全球规模最大游戏公司进行竞争,同时波兰电子游戏市场消费的增长也十分迅速,而且波兰本土游戏开发公司将会成为全球电子游戏市场的领先者之一。波兰游戏公司开发的产品受到全球玩家的广泛欢迎,由CD PROJEKT RED制作的“巫师3:狂猎”电脑游戏持续占据着全球市场第一名的位置,迄今为止已经卖出了超过7百万份,现在仍在大卖。我们从波兰电子游戏产业的历史开始分析,这直接影响了产业当前的状态。当波兰的公司终于拿到了进军全球游戏市场的机会的时候,很多国外的游戏开发公司已经在国际市场上占据了领先和主导地位,因此只有实力最强和最高效的波兰公司可以在全球游戏市场的竞争中生存下来。随着时间的推移,波兰公司也意识到,其项目融资的最有利方式就是自己投资,而不是寻求行业内的投资者或出版商,他们后来声称大部分利润来自游戏销售本身。最后,根据波兰电子游戏现状调查报告的作者分析,波兰游戏开发公司成功的关键是实现就业的专业化。专门从事某特定游戏类别的公司比其他公司能够取得更大的成功。在另一方面需要注意的是,波兰的游戏开发公司也在不断面临着许多困难。最显著的问题是盗版盛行---这也是现有的所有游戏市场所面临的共同问题。更重要的是,根据波兰GameDev 2015年的调查结果,许多波兰游戏开发公司抱怨从波兰政府相关主管部门得不到足够的支持。这种支持对行业的稳定发展尤为重要,因为企业已经面临着要找到合格员工的问题。从长远来看,政府在教育方面的支持是可以帮助解决这个问题,通过促进波兰的高等教育机构之间的游戏开发教育是可以实现的。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the Polish video game industry has experienced a rapid development, and the investment of local game companies in Poland is growing, and it has been able to compete with the largest gaming companies in the world.At the same time, Polish video game market consumption is also growing rapidly, and Poland's local game development company will become one of the global video game market leader.The products developed by Polish gaming companies have been widely welcomed by players around the world, and the Wizards 3: manhunt computer game, produced by CD PROJEKT RED, continues to dominate the global market and has sold more than 7 million copies so far.It's still on sale.We start from the history of the Polish video game industry, which directly affects the current state of the industry.By the time Polish companies finally got the chance to enter the global gaming market, many foreign game development companies had taken a leading and dominant position in the international market.So only the strongest and most efficient Polish companies can survive the global game market competition.Over time, Polish companies also realized that the best way to finance their projects was to invest themselves, rather than seek investors or publishers in the industry, who later claimed that most of their profits came from game sales themselves.Finally, according to the author's analysis of the current situation of video games in Poland, the key to the success of Polish game development company is to realize the specialization of employment.Companies that specialize in one particular category of games are more successful than others.On the other hand, Poland's game development companies are also facing a lot of difficulties.The most obvious problem is the prevalence of piracy-a problem common to all existing game markets.More importantly, according to the 2015 GameDev survey, many Polish game development companies complain that they do not have enough support from the relevant authorities in the Polish government.This support is particularly important for the stability of the industry, as companies already face the problem of finding qualified employees.In the long run, government support in education can help solve this problem, and it can be achieved by promoting game development education among higher education institutions in Poland.
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