本文选题:新疆兵团 + 棉花产业 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Bingtuan is one of the main cotton regions in China. The cotton output has been steadily in the forefront of the country in recent years. Cotton industry plays an irreplaceable role in the national economy of the Corps. With the continuous adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure of the Corps, cotton industry, as the superiority industry of the Corps for a long time, has a certain scale foundation and development level, which plays an important role in promoting the economic development of the Corps, increasing agricultural efficiency and increasing the income of the workers and staff. Since the implementation of the cotton target price reform pilot project in 2014, the cotton industry in Bingtuan has faced new opportunities and challenges. Although bingtuan has high quality cotton resources, superior natural conditions of cotton planting and good foundation for developing cotton industry, together with the support of national industrial policy and the opportunity of construction of Silk Road economic belt, it provides opportunities for the cotton industry of Bingtuan. However, in the face of the increasingly competitive external environment at home and abroad, such outstanding problems as short industrial chain, low economic benefit and low added value of products have been restricting the development of agriculture in Bingtuan for a long time, and the advantages of resources are difficult to transform into economic advantages. Whether it is planting, harvesting, processing, textile or final product sales, are facing enormous challenges. Based on the present situation, it is of great practical significance to clarify the level of cotton industry competitiveness, to find out the key factors that affect or restrict the cotton industry competitiveness, and to seek the ways and methods to enhance the cotton industry competitiveness. This paper reviews the relevant research contents at home and abroad, draws lessons from previous research results, expounds the basic meaning of industrial competitiveness, and analyzes the current situation of cotton industry development in Bingtuan in recent years. The paper also makes a concrete analysis of the cotton industry competitiveness and its influencing factors, and adopts a series of methods, such as index system construction, qualitative analysis and so on. The results show that: in recent years, the cotton trade competition index, competitiveness index, import penetration rate and export intensity of bingtuan cotton show a decreasing trend, and the cotton industry competitiveness of bingtuan shows a gradual decline trend, but compared with Xinjiang, the cotton industry competitiveness of Bingtuan shows a decreasing trend in recent years. Bingtuan cotton industry competitive advantage is obvious; on this basis, draw lessons from diamond model theory, combined with the actual development of cotton industry in Bingtuan, mainly from the production factor conditions, product market demand, related industry development, Five major factors, such as the main body of enterprise management and the implementation of government policy, are analyzed on the influencing factors of the cotton industry competitiveness of Bingtuan. However, the results of the analysis show that, The resource advantage of the cotton industry in Bingtuan has not been changed into the competitive advantage in the downstream of the industrial chain, that is, the cotton textile industry, and a series of problems, such as the reduction of the added value of cotton products, are not conducive to the promotion of the cotton competitiveness of Bingtuan. Finally, based on the actual level of cotton industry competitiveness and its influencing factors, the paper puts forward specific policy recommendations on how to enhance cotton industry competitiveness.
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