[Abstract]:As a resource-based city, with the decline of traditional coal industry, it is imperative to change the existing economic development model. The agricultural product processing industry, as the focus of the province's development in recent years, is not only the bridge between industrial production and agricultural development, but also the link between the three industries. Through the development of this industry, urban and rural development can be closely linked to meet the living needs of the people while absorbing a large number of rural surplus labor force, thus achieving the development goals of increasing agricultural efficiency, increasing the value of agricultural products and increasing farmers' income. To promote the sound and rapid development of Shanxi's economy. Therefore, the study of agricultural product processing industry development ability is an important topic to promote the better development of Shanxi economy. This paper takes the development ability of agricultural product processing industry in Shanxi Province as the research object, adopts the research methods of literature research and comparative analysis, and introduces the relevant concepts and characteristics of the industry on the basis of the domestic and foreign research theories. The basic conditions for the development of Shanxi Province are analyzed from the aspects of the distribution of the number of enterprises, the economic benefits of the industry and the structure of the assets. Then, referring to the research method of agricultural product processing industry development ability, the paper constructs five indexes: market share, industry comparative advantage, industry specialization rate, industry profit ability and investment effect of capital. The comprehensive development ability index of this industry is calculated by using geometric average method, and the comprehensive development ability of agricultural product processing industry in Shanxi Province is analyzed. At the same time, the analysis method of data envelope (DEA) is used to analyze its production efficiency. Finally, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the development ability of agricultural products processing industry in Shanxi Province.
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