[Abstract]:The reorganization of M & A is one of the strategic choice to realize the leap-forward development of the energy-saving and environment-friendly industry. The three driving forces of the merger and reorganization of the energy-saving and environment-friendly industry are derived from the policy stimulus, the increase of the market main body and the loose capital face. The outstanding problems in the rapid development of the merger and reorganization of the energy-saving and environment-friendly industry: first, the partial merger and reorganization tends to be in the second-level market arbitrage, and is not really serving the entity economy; the second is that the higher valuation of the target is not expected to be expected, and the future development of the M & A company has a negative impact on the future development of the M & A company; Third, the management mechanism of cross-industry M & A is not perfect, and the goodwill of M & A company is derogatory. To this end, at the macro level, the government should set up a guide fund, adopt differential financial subsidies and tax relief measures, strengthen the policy guidance and support to the merger and reorganization of the energy-saving and environment-friendly industry, and meanwhile, share the equity of the target party and cross-border M & A from the capital raising and the merger and acquisition. In the micro-level, the M & A subject should upgrade the M & A and the management ability, make a reasonable valuation on the subject of the M & A subject to the actual performance, carefully select the subject of the M & A subject to the strategic demand, reasonably design the transaction structure, and improve the risk prevention and control system. Strengthen the integration and management after the merger, so as to promote the healthy development of the energy-saving and environment-friendly industry.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院金融研究所博士后流动站;中国华融资产管理股份有限公司博士后工作站;北京大学经济学院博士后流动站;
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