[Abstract]:At present, China's economy is facing obvious downward pressure, is changing to the new normal in an all-round way, and gradually enters a period of adjustment, shift, unreasonable industrial institutions, environmental deterioration and unbalanced development, and a series of economic and social contradictions are prominent. In the face of the new situation and new problems, our party has always adhered to the scientific concept of development as the guidance, put forward to adhere to people-oriented, to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) put forward optimizing the industrial structure and promoting the strategic adjustment of the economic structure. In the future, tourism will become the strategic pillar industry of the national economy, and the development of tourism will become an important development direction to change the mode of economic development and promote the economic take-off. In the 13th five-year Plan, it is pointed out that it is necessary to optimize the modern industrial system, speed up the development of modern service industry, and vigorously develop tourism. As far as Yangcheng County, Shanxi Province, for many years, relying on the local rich coal resources, with the secondary industry as the leading industry, the industrial structure is seriously unreasonable. In addition, in recent years, due to overcapacity, low demand, resource depletion and other reasons, the coal industry is facing unprecedented difficulties. The county economy in Yangcheng County has declined obviously, and the total economic growth rate of the county economy in the past two years has fallen short of the national average level, and there is an unreasonable industrial structure. A series of economic and social problems, such as the deterioration of ecological environment, must be guided by the scientific concept of development, based on reality, strive to adjust the industrial structure, change the mode of economic development, explore the new development direction of county economy, transform the tourism resources with local advantages into economic advantages, and realize the scientific development of economy. Based on the analysis of the present situation of county economy, especially the development of county economy in Yangcheng County, Shanxi Province, this paper takes the role of tourism driving county economy as the research object, analyzes the feasibility of promoting county economy development by tourism in Yangcheng County from the perspective of scientific development concept, and points out that there is unreasonable industrial structure and insufficient investment in tourism industry in Yangcheng County. A series of problems, such as low industrial correlation degree and neglecting ecological environment protection, are put forward, such as adjusting industrial structure, increasing tourism investment, developing multi-industry linkage and developing green economy. It is necessary to study the economic development driven by tourism in Yangcheng County, Shanxi Province, which is not only beneficial to the scientific development of Yangcheng County economy, but also has reference significance for the transformation and development of other resource-dependent cities.
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