网友2830622664近日为您收集整理了关于京东商城在“电商价格战”中的微博营销的分析的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:密级: 学校代码:10075分类号: 学号:20120800新闻与传播硕士学位论文京东商城在“电商价格战”中的微博营销研究学位申请人:刘红指导教师:王玉蓉副教授学位类别:新闻与传播硕士学科专业:新闻与传播授予单位:河北大学答辩日期:二○一四年五月ClassifiedIndex: Code: 10075U.D.C.: No. 20120800A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Journalism municationThe Microblogging MarketingStrategies of Jingdong Mall merce War ResearchCandidate: Liu HongSupervisor: Wang Yurong Associate ProfessorAcademic Degree Applied for: Master of Journalism municationSpecialty: Journalism municationUniversity: Hebei UniversityDate of Oral Examination: May,2014摘要I摘要2012 年 8 月 14 日,京东商城 CEO 刘强东的一条微博引起了的广泛关注,微博里他宣称京东商城将挑战低于国美、苏宁线下店 10%的商品售价,让消费者充分享受实惠。微博发出后得到了苏宁、国美和其他电商方面的回应,相继加入了这场价格拼低、争夺顾客的竞争之中。回顾整个“815 电商价格战”的过程,从引起关注到正式开始,这场价格之战的战地不仅是京东商城、苏宁易购、国美在线以及易迅网等主要参与价格战的网络购物平台,而微博也是其主要战场。经过分析价格战后各电商降价的幅度和比例,便不难看出这实质上是电商企业间的一次微博营销之战。参与者在微博实时发布自己应对价格战的措施以及价格战发展的情势,引起了来自各方对这场“电商价格战”前所未有的关注。其中,在新浪微博的交战关注度最高且参与度最广,本文中,笔者将以新浪微博为主要研究对象,讨论京东商城在“电商价格战”中进行的微博营销举措,通过对其特点的深入分析,得出对其他企业微博运用微博进行营销时的借鉴启示,探索未来企业运用微博营销的发展之路。关键词京东商城电商价格战微博营销AbstractIIAbstractOn August 14, 2012, CEO of Mall Liu Qiangdong’s microblog has arousedwidespread public concern, in this piece of microblog, he claimed that Mall willchallenge the price that 10% less modity prices of GOME, Suning online shop forconsumers fully enjoying the benefits. This microblog got response from Suning and GOMEand other relative E-business enterprises, who have joined petition or fight forcustomers with a lower price in ession. Looking back the entire process of "815 PriceWar", from the attention-caused section to the officially start, this price war is not only in thefield of online shopping mall platform, in which Mall, Suning and GOMEOnline Trade and Icson is involved, also, the platform of microblog is another main battlefield.With the exhaustive analysis of reduction and proportion of price cutting after this Price War,this is essentially a microblog marketing battle mercial enterprises. Participantsreal-time published their own measures in response to the price war and the unfolded newsituation caused by it, which caused unprecedented attention among this "price war". Ofwhich, the warring concern in Sina Microblog Platform was fully came into notice and theparticipation around it was most wide. In this essay, writer will take the microblog piecesfrom Sina Microblog Platform into full consideration, and discuss the marketing measureschose by Mall in this “Price War mercial Enterprises”. Through the deepanalysis of the features of those measures, writer will find out the useful enlightenments forother enterprises of using Microblog platform for marketing, and will try to explore the futuredevelopment of it.Key words Mall Price War mercial EnterprisesMicro-blogging Marketing目录III目录绪论1第 1 章微博营销及京东商城经营现状9 1.1 微博营销的相关内容 9 1.1.1 微博营销的定义及特点 9 1.1.2 微博营销的现状 10 1.2 微博营销与电子商务的结合 13 1.3 京东商城的经营现状 17 1.3.1 京东商城的发展状况 17 1.3.2 竞争对手的发展状况 19 1.3.3 京东商城面临的问题 21第 2 章京东商城“电商价格战”中的微博营销23 2.1“电商价格战”的事件回顾 23 2
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