本文关键词: 梯度提升回归树 位置服务 个性化推荐 行为日志分析 出处:《安徽理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the popularity of mobile smartphones, mobile 020 e-commerce ushered in a broad market space, mobile shopping consumption is more common. Based on the rapid development of E-commerce of 020, the recommendation system is required to be more accurate and timely for the recommendation model in the current 020 scenario. This paper studies the 020 mobile electronic commerce model and the real transaction data of Alibaba's life service goods for one month. It is analyzed that the consumer will consume a certain kind of service goods periodically on the basis of their own living habits. Secondly, the Matthew effect will be formed in the popular consumption scenario area, and the average consumption tendency of mobile users will be greatly improved. Finally, each user's consumption tendency in the current location scene is different, which affects the product conversion rate of the user in the current scene. According to the above three assumptions, the user preference model based on location information features is established. An improved recommendation model for E-commerce 020 based on gradient lifting regression algorithm is proposed. The current time and location parameters are introduced into the recommendation algorithm, and the user behavior logs in mobile 020 e-commerce are deeply mined to extract multiple features that can distinguish the user's purchase behavior of goods and services. Then these features are integrated into the gradient lifting regression algorithm to predict the user's shopping behavior. The experimental results show that. The improved 020 E-commerce recommendation model based on gradient lifting regression algorithm is superior to the traditional recommendation algorithm in real-time and accuracy.
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