本文选题:推荐系统 切入点:协同过滤算法 出处:《东华大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:While e-commerce provides convenience for more and more users, its structure is becoming more and more complicated. It also makes it impossible for users to find the product they want quickly and accurately. Recommendation systems are created to solve this dilemma. It can be customized for the user and produce the results that the user wants to see. Today, Almost all e-commerce websites use recommendation systems, such as Taobao ePay. In order to generate higher recommendation quality, technicians have proposed a variety of recommendation technologies, including content-based recommendations, collaborative filtering recommendations, etc. However, with the deepening of research and the improvement of user requirements, the recommendation algorithm gradually exposes many shortcomings, such as cold start of collaborative filtering recommendation and data sparsity. This paper mainly studies the content-based and collaborative filtering algorithms, which are as follows: (1) A review of the development and key technologies of the recommendation algorithms; (2) the long running time of the collaborative filtering algorithms. In this paper, we apply k-means clustering to collaborative filtering algorithm, and cluster users by off-line preprocessing user-item scoring matrix, and generate virtual user space to replace the set of all users. It reduces the search range of neighbor users, improves the real-time performance of online recommendation, and solves the speed bottleneck problem of traditional collaborative filtering algorithm based on the improved collaborative filtering algorithm. A hybrid algorithm based on content and improved collaborative filtering is proposed, which combines user score with item feature, establishes user feature scoring matrix, replaces the traditional user-item scoring matrix, and carries out k-means clustering on user set. The improved algorithm can not only solve the data sparsity problem of the traditional collaborative filtering algorithm, but also match the scoring matrix according to the item features and user characteristics. To predict users who might be interested in new projects, and generate push lists to effectively solve the problem of new projects in "cold start". Experiments show that the improved algorithm in this paper is to solve the problem of sparse data. The speed bottleneck of cold start and online recommendation plays a significant role in ensuring better recommendation quality.
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