本文选题:快递服务格式合同 切入点:法律问题 出处:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the development of the national economy of our country, the electronic commerce such as network shopping has become more and more popular, which has led to the rapid development of express delivery industry in our country. The express delivery industry has been integrated into the development of the national economy. In the express delivery market, the good and the bad of all express delivery enterprises are mixed, and some express delivery enterprises, in order to meet the needs of their own interests, are unilaterally concluding express service format contracts. There are unreasonable provisions such as restricting the other party's rights, reducing their own obligations, and the existence of hegemonic clauses, etc., the rights of consumers are not provided with relief, and the difficulty of safeguarding their rights increases. The author studies the legal problems of express service format contract, and analyzes the unfair format clause of express delivery bill. The first part of this paper introduces the concept, nature, characteristics and effectiveness of the express service format contract, which is convenient to have a comprehensive understanding of the express service format contract from the basic concept. The second part uses the comparative analysis method, compares the foreign several typical countries express service format contract legislation present situation and the domestic express delivery service legislation and the present situation; The third part mainly expounds the problems existing in the contract of express service format in our country, such as the non-standard clauses of the insured price and the different standard of compensation for the uninsured courier. The legal problems arising from the uncertainty of the compensation scope of the uninsured courier and the different order of the signing clauses, the limitation of the claim period, etc. Through the discussion and explanation of these problems, The fourth part aims at the above problems, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the contract of express service format in our country. Express service industry is a new industry. In practice and implementation, there will definitely be a lot of legal problems. In our country, in the legislative, administrative and judicial aspects, we should make macro-control over express service format contracts. In order to enable consumers and express enterprises to be equal and mutually beneficial, The author has also carried on the analysis research in these aspects.
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