本文选题:大数据 + 律师 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the world has set off a wave of big data, the data has penetrated into a variety of industries, becoming increasingly important, as the global consulting firm McKinsey predicted: "people mining and use of massive data,It heralds a new wave of productivity growth and a wave of consumer surpluses. "British professor Victor Mayer-Schenberger makes a more concrete interpretation of this idea in his book "the Age of big data: great changes in Life, work, and thought."Big data's wave has subverted the economic development model of traditional industries, and the lawyer service industry is no exception. Now, a new round of changes is coming. In 2015,Premier big data put forward "Internet" for the first time in the government work report: combine big data with modern manufacturing industry, promote the healthy development of electronic commerce and modern finance.Traditional industries have come to realize the need for transformation and upgrading, or else will be eliminated in this transformation.Internet turn, big data turn is imperative.The traditional lawyer service industry, must insert big data's wing, can keep up with the information age step.This article takes the lawyer practice under big data's time as the main research object, mainly introduces the mode of legal e-commerce and the practicing skills of lawyer in the new era, which is divided into four parts.Specifically, it includes: the first part introduces the concept of big data and the characteristics of the lawyer service industry, and then expounds the problems and challenges faced by the traditional lawyer service field in the age of big data.And analyzes the development trend of lawyer service industry under big data's time.The second part starts from the angle of law firm, analyzes the influence and significance of electronic commerce to legal service mode under big data era, and expounds the current situation of domestic and foreign legal e-commerce and the existing problems of domestic legal e-commerce at present.Finally, it gives the countermeasures of how to get out of the dilemma.The third part, from the angle of lawyer, introduces the basic skills that should be possessed by lawyers in big data's time, such as collecting data, preserving data, analyzing data and arranging data.Corresponding to the legal retrieval, electronic evidence preservation, litigation visualization, efficient use of software capabilities.The fourth part, on the one hand, puts forward some suggestions on the management of lawyers and the construction of electronic evidence on the level of system, on the other hand, proposes some ideas for the future work of lawyers, mainly the influence of artificial intelligence on legal services, and the information construction of legal community.
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