本文选题:服装智能推荐 + 专家系统 ; 参考:《东华大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the economic development of our country, clothing industry, especially online clothing, has also made rapid development. The online B-C-C model is now favoured by younger consumer groups. Now more and more customers choose to shop in some shopping websites such as Taobao JingDong and so on. Online shopping has become a popular shopping method. There are many online clothing stores at the same time online and offline synchronous sales. This kind of network sale way, does not need the physical shop, saves the shop rental expense, at the same time, because this kind of online shop is not limited to the geographical scope, has expanded the passenger source, therefore has obtained the fast development. But when it comes to buying clothes online, there's a problem: consumers don't have access to clothing in these online stores, they can only learn about the styles, materials and colors of clothing through their online descriptions, but they don't try it on. It is difficult to choose the right design and size based on the picture and size table alone. This problem has reduced the certain passenger flow, restricted the clothing electronic commerce the further development. Based on the above situation, this paper designs the clothing intelligent recommendation system based on expert system and Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), including fashion style recommendation and garment size recommendation. In this paper, a blackboard structure of adding index table is put forward, and it is applied to the fashion style recommendation expert system. The production rule is used to establish the dress collocation expert rule base, and the personal information of the customer is obtained through man-machine interaction. From the perspective of clothing experts, to generate personalized clothing style recommendations for customers to choose. In addition, the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is applied to recommend the size of clothing. In this part, the hierarchical structure of clothing model is established, and the control parameters of height, chest circumference, arm length and shoulder width are selected as the criterion layer. The size of the specific garment is chosen as the scheme layer, and the final size selection is given through the calculation of the judgment matrix and the ranking of the hierarchy. This paper uses C / S architecture, Mysql and Java to develop the system software. The backstage database is based on mysql, stores customer and clothing information data, and is used as rule base, fact base and dynamic database to store clothing recommendation rules, facts and intermediate results of reasoning, etc. The intelligent clothing recommendation system is realized. The system saves the shopping time of online shopping customers, simplifies the shopping process, makes customers experience their own intelligent, personalized services in shopping consumption, and promotes the intelligent development of clothing retailing. To a certain extent, it removes its concerns about the failure of online shopping, improves the customer experience, and promotes the development of apparel e-commerce to a certain extent.
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