本文选题:进口乳品 + 乳品交易 ; 参考:《东华大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Dairy industry, as an important industry in the field of food industry, started late in China, but has developed rapidly. In recent years, the prosperity of Chinese dairy market has attracted a large number of foreign dairy manufacturers, and the crisis of domestic dairy industry is increasing day by day. On the one hand, consumer confidence in the domestic dairy industry has been hit by the melamine incident in China. On the other hand, the demand for imported dairy products by the new generation of consumer groups has increased sharply, and the project of the National Free Trade Zone has greatly promoted the import trade of dairy products. The purpose of this paper is how to seek a new strategic direction of enterprises under the increasingly complex and changing market background so as to open up an innovative development model for the dairy industry which has been in the traditional business model for a long time. Based on the methods of literature analysis, practice and theory, qualitative and quantitative analysis, this paper analyzes and studies the feasibility of the project based on the project of import dairy trading platform of company A. First of all, through the analysis of the related documents of strategic planning, electronic commerce, feasibility study, and on the basis of a large number of industry data analysis, using SWOT method, this paper analyzes the strengths and weaknesses in the development of A company at the present stage. As well as the opportunities and threats in the development of enterprises, it is concluded that a company should adopt the strategy of combining growth and defense to realize the long-term strategic development goals. Considering the factors of expanding the company's scale and stabilizing its profit, on the basis of the comparative analysis of the two strategic projects in terms of scale, profit and risk, it chooses to establish a platform instead of acting as an independent agent for foreign brands. Based on the pest analysis and the five-force analysis of the platform project, the necessity and significance of the strategic choice of a company to develop the import dairy trading platform are demonstrated Secondly, on the premise of fully studying the enterprise strategic planning and electronic commerce mode, through the investigation and analysis of the target customer group, combining theory with practice, this paper puts forward the specific planning and marketing mode of a company's import dairy trading platform project. Profit model and construction plan. Based on the project design of a company's import dairy trading platform, this paper focuses on the feasibility analysis of the project from two aspects: market and operation. Through the analysis and research of the industry authority second-hand data and the target customer group investigation data, from the industry present situation and the market supply and demand, the market competitor analysis and so on several aspects, uses the quantitative and the qualitative union method, This paper analyzes the market feasibility of the project, analyzes the operational feasibility of the project from the point of view of economic benefits, risks and operation management, and puts forward the basis for systematizing the implementation scheme of dairy products trading platform under the network environment in the later stage. In recent years, the rapid development of electronic commerce has a great impact on the traditional business model of enterprises, but the import dairy trading platform model studied in this paper is the first in the industry, and the platform takes small and medium-sized enterprises as the target customer group. Build information bridges with foreign upstream suppliers and make profits by providing value-added services. It is undeniable that it has positive advanced nature and good market supply and demand conditions. Therefore, it is of practical significance to establish a perfect trade path for import dairy products, and to integrate the import dairy trade of all countries in the industry market, at the same time, Hope to other industries trading platform construction to provide certain reference.
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