[Abstract]:In the transnational electronic commerce environment, some express delivery enterprises relying on electronic commerce have their own unique characteristics, and their warehousing operations not only include the receipt and transportation of commodities, the acceptance of goods in storage, and the handling of procedures for storage. Moreover, the automation of the input operation, the accuracy of the input information and the high efficiency of the information processing are required. The purpose of this paper is to optimize the storage process according to the business characteristics of Y express company, to improve the efficiency of storage operation and the processing speed of package, and to promote the scale development of Y express enterprise. First of all, the business characteristics of Y express enterprises and the current situation of the warehousing process of Y express enterprises are analyzed deeply and the problems are summarized. The customers facing Y express enterprises are consumers shopping on American shopping websites. At present, the main target of service for consumers in China. Because the US shopping website cannot directly mail the goods purchased by our consumers to the Chinese receiving address of the consumers, Consumers need to have a U.S. pickup address in order to achieve the U. S. Shopping and delivery company is set up in response to this demand express enterprises. However, due to the information asymmetry between Y express company and consumers and the simple way of communication, the storage efficiency is low, the delivery error rate of package is high, and the customer satisfaction is low. Secondly, according to the theory of business process reengineering, using string editing distance algorithm and computer programming language, according to the main problems that need to be solved in the process optimization of Y express delivery enterprise, a set of automatic warehousing system is designed and developed. Realize the automation of the storehouse operation. Finally, this paper analyzes the effect of Y express delivery operation after process optimization, and evaluates the rationality and effectiveness of process optimization with the data of customer growth rate and package processing speed.
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