[Abstract]:020 (online to offline) refers to the integration of online and offline business service models, which is a new trend of Internet derivation in recent years. Community is a new manifestation of the development of 020. It mainly refers to e-commerce enterprises providing comprehensive goods and services for the residents of the community through the integration of online and offline resources, so as to form businesses. A unified platform for intermediate service providers and end users. Different from traditional ecommerce, the 020 community emphasizes offline products and services. At present, 020 often uses price advantage to attract offline flow first and blindly pursue the number of new users at the beginning, but there is no good solution to the subsequent customer relationship management and maintenance. In this paper, we focus on solving two specific problems: how to divide customers with different consumption power in 020 marketing, and how to find offline communities in 020 with more effective strategies. The popularity of the Internet makes the volume of transactions continue to grow, e-commerce sites have accumulated large-scale transaction data. A notable feature of these data is that each transaction has a customer's logistics address. This paper makes use of the open Internet real estate data, matches the customer's logistics address with the address in the real estate data, through the value of the house that the customer lives in, makes the forecast to its income level, and then speculates the customer's value. For the community discovery problem, we propose a community discovery algorithm based on the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) topic model and integrating the three community impact elements. These three elements are: the geographical location characteristics of the building itself, the influence of the surrounding equivalent property and the potential commercial value of the business district. Then we use LDA model to find the community and get the probability distribution of each building belonging to the community. In order to evaluate the validity of the algorithm, we compared the experimental results with the results of RFM (Reclamation Frequency Monetary) model, and analyzed the correlation between the results of the experiment and the results of RFM (Reclamation Frequency Monetary) model. It is verified that our algorithm can effectively subdivide the customer. For community discovery, we use Shanghai taxi GPS track data and Shanghai sub-class POI data to realize our algorithm, which proves the effectiveness of community discovery algorithm. Furthermore, in view of the community discovery results obtained from the algorithm, we analyze and explain its practical significance in the application of 020 community.
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