[Abstract]:With the continuous development of e-commerce of agricultural products, e-commerce mode has become more and more diversified, and the selection of appropriate mode plays an important role in the success or failure of agricultural products management. Fujian Province is a province with high net sales of agricultural products and abundant resources of agricultural products. In general, Fujian Province has the conditions for developing e-commerce of agricultural products. With the support of government policy, more and more agricultural products enterprises are on the road of e-commerce. Based on the basic theory of electronic commerce and case study, this paper studies the mode selection of agricultural products electronic commerce in Fujian province. Through summing up and sorting out the research literature about agricultural products electronic commerce, this paper combs out the direction of theoretical research, and provides the appropriate theoretical basis for the next case study. This paper summarizes the development of agricultural products e-commerce in Fujian Province: the e-commerce awareness of agricultural products e-commerce enterprises is constantly strengthened, and the local agricultural products e-commerce enterprises are growing. Then it summarizes the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of agricultural e-commerce in Fujian Province by using S WOT analysis method, and clarifies its present situation. Then the paper analyzes five models of agricultural e-commerce in Fujian province, including B2C model, B2B model, A2A model and O2O model, and summarizes the characteristics of the model. Then compare the advantages and disadvantages of five models of agricultural products e-commerce in Fujian Province. On this basis, this paper introduces the principles and factors that affect the mode selection of agricultural product enterprises, and finally gives some suggestions for Fujian agricultural product enterprises to choose the mode of electronic commerce.
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