[Abstract]:In this paper, the "Global Central Warehouse" model is systematically expounded to remove the "wall" between the six books by innovative means such as non-guaranteed books, so as to realize the mutual exchange of account books between different trade forms and different trade types. This paper designs the main application scenarios and models of the global central warehouse, such as domestic and foreign trade goods co-warehouse configuration, multi-import mode transformation, global flexible purchase and sale, and deeply analyzes the shortcomings of the application and promotion of the global central warehouse. The paper proposes to promote the intelligent facilitation of customs clearance, strengthen the guidance of government special policy support, strengthen the policy interpretation and model guidance, and train the global central warehouse demonstration enterprises and cases. To evaluate and optimize the global central warehouse model and a series of policy recommendations.
【作者单位】: 深圳职业技术学院;建设银行深圳分行;
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