[Abstract]:With the rapid progress of society and the rapid development of economy, women break through their self-restraint gradually. More and more women establish the consciousness of self-development and become independent individuals. In recent years, the concept of "mass entrepreneurship, mass innovation" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and female entrepreneurs have become a very bright group in Chinese society. The film's protagonist, Liu Panqing, is the most common female entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial motivation is divided into survival entrepreneurship and opportunistic entrepreneurship, most female entrepreneurial motivation belongs to survival entrepreneurship, and the protagonist belongs to opportunistic entrepreneurship. She could have lived a carefree life in Japan as a housewife with a husband and son, but she chose to endure the pressures of starting a business and the bitterness of being separated from her family. The cross-border e-commerce company founded by Liu Pan-ching has often been affected by changes in state policies in the course of its operation, and has also been hit by misunderstandings and financial chain breaks caused by Sino-Japanese tensions. But none of these difficulties made Mr Liu give up. As an ordinary entrepreneur, Liu Pan-ching has an unusual spirit, a strong spiritual force and a strong attitude against the current. This has a great incentive to the audience, especially women. The film uses documentary shooting techniques and realistic production styles, taking characters as the core, taking entrepreneurial adversity and the spirit of not giving up as the theme, using suspense and story narration, amplifying details and unreservedly exposing human nature. Attracting the audience's eyeball and arousing the audience's enthusiasm are in line with the audience's psychological expectation and logic. And the use of the host of the way series the whole film, with the way of interviews to structure the main line of the film, so as to close the distance between the audience, cause audience resonance.
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