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发布时间:2018-10-23 20:23
[Abstract]:This paper makes a concrete analysis on the influence of electronic commerce on the development of feed industry. Mainly from two angles of positive effect and negative influence, while analyzing the present situation of the development of feed industry in our country, there is not only a continuous increase in feed output and better quality, but also a continuous improvement in the level of feed machinery industry. But there is still a lack of energy and protein feed. As to the positive influence of electronic commerce on the development of feed industry, it not only broadens the sales market and provides convenient communication channels, but also expands the sales channels and gradually changes the concept of industry development. For the negative influence of electronic commerce on the development of feed industry, the main reason is that the confidence degree is gradually reduced, and the vicious competition appears, and the actual development is in the blind stage. To develop feed industry in an all-round way under the platform of electronic commerce, we need to pay attention to the related ideas of traditional commerce. The government needs to strengthen the effective guidance and support of electronic commerce, make use of electronic commerce reasonably, attach great importance to network honesty, and train talents in an all-round way.
【作者单位】: 河南职业技术学院;


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