[Abstract]:At present, with the development of the Internet, especially in the Web2.0 era, the Internet has produced a lot of information. Most of this information is created by Internet users, and a large part of this information appears on the Internet in the form of text. People will use e-commerce sites for shopping, will leave comments on the products, people will read the latest news through the news site, leaving their own views and views on the news. People also express their emotions on various social networking platforms. The mining of these text information has produced a variety of technologies and research directions in the field of natural language processing, among which the analysis of text emotion is a hot research topic. Through the use of automatic emotion analysis technology for the text information published by users, there are many application scenarios in reality, such as product recommendation system, network public opinion analysis system, government decision system and so on. As one of the countries with the largest number of Internet users in the world, China has a growing demand for emotional analysis of Chinese texts. The main tasks of this paper are as follows: (1) A characteristic dictionary and an emotional dictionary are constructed. In the construction of emotion dictionary, the commonly used Chinese emotion dictionary is used as the basic dictionary to extract the emotion words from the hotel domain comments, and the method of calculating the similarity between the words by word vector is used to determine the emotion tendency of the candidate emotion words. (2) using syntactic dependency analysis, feature dictionary and emotion dictionary to analyze the fine grained emotional tendency of hotel comment. By extracting feature words, affective words and modifiers of emotional collocation elements and calculating emotional tendency, the evaluation of hotel's emotional tendency on each attribute feature is obtained. (3) the emotional tendency of the whole comment is analyzed. The method of combining emotion dictionary with machine learning is adopted. Firstly, the emotion dictionary is used to calculate the affective tendency, and the comments with obvious affective tendency in each category are selected as the training set, and the multi-feature fusion method combined with the ability of multiple SVM-KNN classifiers is used to classify the comments. Experiments show that the optimal selection training set can improve the classifier effect, and the multi-feature fusion method has some advantages over a single classifier. (4) A hotel retrieval system based on comment and emotion analysis is designed and implemented. At present, the hotel reservation website searches the hotel using the hotel objective index, such as hotel location, price range and so on. The system of this paper not only uses the objective index of the hotel, but also gets the subjective evaluation index of the hotel by analyzing the emotional tendency of the hotel comment, such as whether the ratio of performance to price is high, whether the environment is comfortable, and so on. According to the objective and subjective requirements of the users, the hotel retrieval is carried out and the results are returned to the users.
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