[Abstract]:Mobile e-commerce is the product of the amalgamation of mobile information service and e-commerce. With the development of 3G 4G network, mobile e-commerce has become a new business model, which is closely related to people's life and has a bright future. And to our country's economy produces the profound influence. This paper first analyzes the status of the mainstream mobile e-commerce platform in China, and then takes M Group mobile e-commerce platform as the research object, and finds that there is a serious problem of user experience. It is urgent to solve this problem in order to improve the satisfaction of users to M platform. In this paper, traffic analysis and persona analysis method are used to analyze the user experience of M Group Mobile E-commerce platform from quantitative and qualitative analysis dimensions, and the evaluation method and model of user experience are constructed. It is found that there are serious experience problems in home page, browsing mode, function coverage, page elements and infrastructure. Based on the above analysis results, this paper puts forward the specific measures to enhance user experience from the perspective of brand, usability, functionality and content of user experience on M platform. Through the application of these measures, the paper compares the evaluation results before and after the user experience enhancement, and finds that the user experience improvement of M platform is obvious. The first chapter is the introduction, which describes the background, purpose and significance of the research. The second chapter summarizes the user experience of mobile e-commerce platform. The third chapter analyzes the current situation and problems of M platform body experience by questionnaire and usability analysis. In chapter 4, chapter 5 analyzes the problem of M platform experience by using traffic analysis method and persona analysis method, and gives the specific promotion strategy. The sixth chapter summarizes the strategy of improving the user experience of M platform and evaluates the effect. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is summarized.
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