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发布时间:2019-05-15 18:50
[Abstract]:For any enterprise, the mobilization of employee enthusiasm has a direct impact on the efficiency of the enterprise, the output of economic benefits, until the success or failure of the enterprise. Especially for the labor-intensive industry, the competition of retail industry is the competition of personnel and talents. And with the change of social macro situation, the prosperity of electronic commerce, the continuous increase of labor cost, the rapid expansion of international retail enterprises and the continuous improvement of the localization of talents. China's local retail enterprises urgently need to solve their increasingly backward management system, adjust and establish a perfect incentive system suitable for their own development needs, improve talent incentive, stabilize the talent team, and enhance team cohesion. Improve the business performance of enterprises. Based on the above purpose, on the basis of literature research and data analysis, this paper studies the incentive theory, analyzes the current incentive system of LY Company, and studies the existing problems and causes. According to the development stage of the enterprise and the characteristics of retail enterprises, the specific incentive system scheme is given. State-owned LY company, with a good foundation of development and cultural heritage, has been maintaining a rapid development speed. In view of the scale development of LY company focusing on supermarkets, facing the increasing competitive pressure and severe social environment, this paper constructively puts forward the concept of total wage, and implements a real salary system with incentive as the core. Fully embody the marketization, scientifically reorganize the flat organizational structure, enrich the incentive measures, establish a scientific and effective incentive system, create a positive enterprise atmosphere, and finally promote the long-term and healthy development of enterprises.


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