更多相关文章: 中小企业 电子商务 调查 坦桑尼亚政府 解读 坦桑尼亚
【摘要】:这篇研究报告旨在调查在发展中国家背景下的坦赞尼亚,影响小微企业电子商务普及度的因素有哪些。这与调查论述小微企业电子商务普及度时缺乏对社会科技背景的关注的写作环境相悖。 (第一句被那几个数字绕晕了,没有翻译)这些小微企业包括经营旅游业的,电子业的,服务保护业的,电力能源业的,食品生产与加工业的,木材及其加工业的,纸制产品及其印刷业的。数据搜集的工具和手法涉及到部分事先准备的和不事先准备的面对面采访、电话采访、网页内容分析与观察。 为从现有的关于电子商务普及度的文献中抓住关键要素,我们应建立概念性框架。从每家小微企业搜集的数据都被分析后用来呈现下面的关键要素。这些要素包括如下:1)商业环境的特性2)信息通信技术与互联网应用的使用3)管理特性与对电子商务的观念4)影响电子商务普及度的因素或这种因素的缺失5)因素问的相互作用与影响,它们是如何共同影响电子商务普及度的6)当地商业环境所扮演的角色(清将上面信息细节化并放在要求的章节中)36个影响电子商务普及度的因素被搜集起来,建立一个细节化的框架在整个研究过程中引导研究者。这36个阻碍因素被分为六大类,政治因素,法律因素,社会文化因素,经济因素与技术因素。 很多因素及例子中这些因素对个体小微企业的影响已经被讨论过。它们是:管理特性和对电子商务的观念,掌握信息通信技术的个人,互联网的低普遍性与慢速,,建立和维护互联网设备的高昂成本,付款设备的不易接触性,组织文化,供应方与消费者的喜好,安全性质疑,当地商业环境,政府作为消费者的角色和全球经济衰退。总而言之,研究发现虽然影响小微企业电子商务普及度的因素已经被普遍了解,但这些因素对选中的小微企业的影响方式,因素间互相作用的方式,还有最终呈现在小微企业中的方式有同亦有异。 通过提出对研究小微企业电子商务普及度的概念性框架,本篇研究报告做出了理论方面的贡献。并且,在研究论述电子商务普及度的文献不足的情况下,本篇报告做出了理论性贡献。它提供了在不发达国家的背景下对于影响电子商务普及度的因素的社会架构观点。从方法学的角度讲,本篇报告提供了在发展中国家背景下的坦赞尼亚对电子商务普及度研究的解释性评估。本文展现了在被选中的小微企业中改善电子商务发展的策略,以及对研究发现的解释。本篇报告提供了对于理解相似背景下影响电子商务普及度的因素的深刻见解。
【关键词】:中小企业 电子商务 调查 坦桑尼亚政府 解读 坦桑尼亚
- Acknowledgement4-5
- Abstract5-7
- 摘要7-9
- 目录9-16
- List of Tables16-17
- List of Figure17-18
- Abbreviation18-19
- Chapter 1 Introducton19-29
- 1.1 Definition of ecommerce20-24
- 1.2 Background of the study24-25
- 1.3 Statement of the Problem25-26
- 1.4 Significant of the study26
- 1.5 Objective of the study26-27
- 1.6 Scope of the study27-29
- Chapter 2 Literature Review29-70
- 2.0 Introduction29
- 2.1 E-commerce History and Its Adoption in SMEs-the Global Context29-36
- 2.1.2 Potential Benefits of E-commerce to SMEs30-31
- 2.1.3 E-commerce Readiness for SMEs31-32
- 2.1.4 Globalization and Its Impact on SME E-commerce Adoption32-35
- 2.1.5 The Digital Divide and E-commerce Adoption in SMEs35-36
- 2.2 Reasons for Adoption of e-commerce by SMEs36-47
- 2.2.1 Reviewing E-commerce Adoption Factors in SMEs37-47
- Individual Factors37-40
- Organizational Factors40-44
- Technological Factors44-45
- Environmental Factors45-47
- 2.4 E-commerce Development in Organizations47-58
- 2.5 Theoretical Foundations in E-commerce Adoption Research58-68
- 2.5.1 The Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB)58-59
- 2.5.2 Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)59-60
- 2.5.3 The Technology-Organization-Environment(TOE)Framework60
- 2.5.4 The Perceived e-Readiness Model(PERM)60-62
- 2.5.5 Diffusion of Innovation Theory(DIT)62-64
- 2.5.6 The Resource-Based Theory(RBT)64-68
- Combining the Resource-Based Theory and Contextualism66-67
- Theory of Contextualism67-68
- 2.6 The Application of Theory in E-commerce Adoption68
- 2.7 Summary and Conclusion68-70
- Chapter 3 Tanzania and ICT Development70-99
- 3.1 The Tanzania Landscape70-71
- 3.2 Small and Medium Enterprises(SMES)71-83
- 3.2.1 SME Development in Tanzania75-77
- 3.2.2 Government Efforts77-78
- 3.2.3 Institutions78-80
- 3.2.4 E.Readiness80-81
- 3.2.5 The Networked Readiness Index81-83
- 3.3 Tanzania and the Networked Readiness Index83-86
- 3.4 Ecommerce Environment in Tanzania86-88
- 3.5 Rationale for SME development Policy88-97
- 3.6 Summary and Conclusion97-99
- Chapter 4 Research Paradigm and Methodology99-126
- 4.1 problem and purpose overview99-100
- 4.2 Population and Sample100-101
- 4.3 Research Methodology101-102
- 4.4 Data Characteristics102
- 4.4.1 Quantitative versus Qualitative data102
- 4.4.2 Data Collection Methods102
- 4.5 Conceptual Framework and its Development102-109
- 4.6 Questionnaire Design109
- 4.7 Data analysis109-110
- 4.8 Principles for Evaluation of the Study110-111
- 4.9 Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Research111-119
- 4.9.1 The Fundamental Principle of the Hermeneutic Circle111-112
- 4.9.2 The Principle of Contextualism112-113
- 4.9.3 The Principle of Interaction between Researcher(s) and Subjects113-114
- 4.9.4 The Principle of Abstraction and Generalization114-115
- 4.9.5 The Principle of Dialogical Reasoning115-117
- 4.9.6 The Principle of Multiple Interpretations117-118
- 4.9.7 The Principle of Suspicion118-119
- 4.10 Contribution to Knowledge119
- 4.11 Ethical Considerations119-121
- 4.12 Population of the Study121
- 4.13 Methodological Limitations121-124
- 4.14 Data Analysis and Presentation124
- 4.15 Research Timeline124
- 4.16 Summary and Conclusion124-126
- Chapter 5 Research Implementation126-140
- 5.0 Introduction126
- 5.1 Research Planning Issues126-132
- 5.1.1 The Researcher's Background126-127
- 5.1.2 The Researcher's Role in this Study127-129
- 5.1.3 Time Horizons129
- 5.1.4 Sampling Method129-132
- Purposive Sampling Method129-131
- Choice of Industry131
- Number of Cases to study131-132
- 5.2 Data Collection Procedures132-138
- 5.2.1 The Interview Process132-135
- 5.2.2 Website Analysis135-136
- 5.2.3 Direct Observation136
- 5.2.4 The Local Business Environment Scanning136
- 5.2.5 Introductory Preview of the Selected Cases136-138
- Tourist Firms137
- Electronic and Electric Industry137
- Service and Maintenance Firms137-138
- Manufacturing Industry138
- Electricity and power production138
- 5.4 Summary and Conclusion138-140
- Chapter 6 Presentation of Case Findings140-204
- 6.0 Introduction140
- 6.1 Tourism Firms140-147
- 6.1.1 The Nature and Characteristic of Business Environment140-141
- 6.1.2 Use of ICT and Web-based Applications141-143
- 6.1.3 Managerial Characteristics and Perception of E-Commerce143
- 6.1.4 Factors Affecting E-commerce Adoption143-144
- 6.1.5 How Factors Interact to Determine the Extent of E-commerce Adoption144-146
- 6.1.6 The Role of the Local Business Environment146-147
- 6.1.7 Summary of Research Findings at Tourism Firms147
- 6.2 Electronics and electric Firms147-158
- 6.2.1 The Nature and Characteristic of Business Environment147-148
- 6.2.2 Use of ICT and Web-based Applications148-151
- 6.2.3 Managerial Characteristics and Perception of E-commerce151-152
- 6.2.4 Factors Affecting E-commerce Adoption152-153
- 6.2.5 How Factors Interact to Determine the Extent of E-commerce Adoption153-157
- 6.2.6 The Role of the Local Business Environment157
- 6.2.7 Summary of Research Findings at Electronic and electric Firms157-158
- 6.3 Electricity and power firms158-166
- 6.3.1 The Nature and Characteristic of Business Environment158-159
- 6.3.2 Use of ICT and Web-based Applications159-160
- 6.3.3 Managerial Characteristics and Perception of E-commerce160
- 6.3.4 Factors Affecting E-Commerce Adoption160-162
- 6.3.5 How Factors Interact to Determine the Extent of E-commerce Adoption162-165
- 6.3.6 The Role of the Local Business Environment165
- 6.3.7 Summary of Research Findings at Electricity and power Firms165-166
- 6.4 Woods and its products166-173
- 6.4.1 The Nature and Characteristic of Business Environment166-167
- 6.4.2 Use of ICT and Web-based Applications167-168
- 6.4.3 Managerial Characteristics and Perception of E-Commerce168-169
- 6.4.4 Factors affecting E-commerce Adoption169-170
- 6.4.5 How Factors Interact to Determine the Extent of E-commerce Adoption170-172
- 6.4.6 The Role of the Local Business Environment172
- 6.4.7 Summary of Research Findings at Woods and its product Firms172-173
- 6.5 Service and Maintenance Firms173-184
- 6.5.1 The Nature and Characteristic of Business Environment173-174
- 6.5.2 Use of ICT and Web-based Applications174-178
- 6.5.3 Managerial Characte ristics and Perception of E-commerce178
- 6.5.4 Factors Affecting E-commerce Adoption178-180
- 6.5.5 How Factors Interact to Determine the Extent of E-commerce Adoption180-183
- 6.5.7 Summary of Research Findings at Service and maintenance firms183-184
- 6.6 Paper Products and Printing Firms184-195
- 6.6.1 The Nature and Characteristic of Business Environment184-185
- 6.6.2 Use of ICT and Web-based Applications185-188
- 6.6.3 Managerial Characteristics and Perception of E-commerce188-189
- 6.6.4 Factors Affecting E-commerce Adoption189-190
- 6.6.5 How Factors Interact to Determine the Extent of E-commerce Adoption190-194
- 6.6.6 The Role of the Local Business Environment194
- 6.6.7 Summary of Research Findings at Paper products and printing firms194-195
- 6.7 Food Products and Packing firms195-202
- 6.7.1 The Nature and Characte ristic of Business Environment195-196
- 6.7.2 Use of ICT and Web.based Applications196-197
- 6.7.3 Managerial Characteristics and Perception of E-commerce197
- 6.7.4 Factors Affecting E-Commerce Adoption197-199
- 6.7.5 How Factors Interact to Determine the Extent of E-commerce Adoption199-201
- 6.7.6 The Role of the Local Business Environment201-202
- 6.7.7 Summary of Research Findings at Electricity and power Firms202
- 6.8 Summary202-204
- Chapter 7 Conclusions and Discussion204-260
- 7.1 Discussion204-211
- 7.1.1 The Nature and Characteristic of Tanzania SME E-commerce Environment204-208
- 7.1.2 Use of Website and Web-based Applications208-211
- 7.2 Factors Affecting E-commerce Adoption and Non-Adoption211-221
- 7.2.1 Managerial Characteristics and Perception of E-commerce Adoption211-212
- 7.2.2 Skilled ICT Personnel212
- 7.2.3 Availability and Slow Speed of the Internet212-213
- 7.2.4 Cost of Setting-up and Maintaining Internet Applications213-214
- 7.2.5 Lack of E-commerce Regulation214
- 7.2.6 Access to Payment Facilities214
- 7.2.7 Organizational Culture214-216
- 7.2.8 Customer and Supplier Preferences216
- 7.2.9 Security Concerns216-217
- 7.2.10 The Role of the Local Business Environment217-218
- 7.2.11 The Global Recession and E-commerce Adoption218-221
- 7.4 E-commerce Development in SMEs221-226
- 7.4.1 Progression in E-commerce Adoption221-226
- 7.4.2 Impact of Web 2.0 and Social Networking Media226
- 7.4.3 Non-Adoption of E-commerce in SMEs226
- 7.5 The National E-readiness and the Role of Government226-231
- 7.5.1 Comparison of the Networked Readiness Indexes227-229
- Tanzania and the UK227
- Tanzania and Rwanda227-229
- 7.5.2 The Role of Government in SME E-commerce Adoption229-231
- 7.6 Use of the Conceptual Framework in this Study231-232
- 7.7 Conclusion232-233
- 7.8 Major Research Findings233-241
- 7.8.1 Research Question 1233-238
- 7.8.2 Research Question 2238-240
- 7.8.3 Research Question 3240-241
- 7.9 Research Implications241-247
- 7.9.1 Implications for Research241-243
- 7.9.2 Managerial Implications for Practice243-247
- 7.10 Research Contributions247-250
- 7.10.1 Theoretical Contribution247-249
- 7.10.2 Methodological Contribution249-250
- 7.10.3 Assess critically to the Research Contrlbution250
- 7.11 Future Research Suggestions and Limitations250-252
- 7.12 Strategies for Improving E-commerce Adoption in SMEs252-256
- 7.12.1 The Readiness of the Local Business Environment252-253
- 7.12.2 The Readiness of the Local SMEs253-256
- 7.13 Reflection on Experience of Research256-259
- 7.14 E-commerce Continuity for the Selected SMEs259-260
- References260-272
- Declaration272-273
- Appendices273-278
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