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发布时间:2018-07-17 17:45
【摘要】:从我国进行改革开放至今,经济迅速上升。步入21世纪后,国内市场对外开放的程度也逐渐放开,居民的生活水平得到了很大程度的改善,全面建设小康社会的目标也逐渐得以实现。而且上海、北京、天津和江苏、浙江等城市的人均GDP已经逐渐突破一万美元,达到了中等发达城市的水平。2012年全国居民的恩格尔系数比改革开放前下降了20%以上,城市居民恩格尔系数为37.1%,农村居民恩格尔系数为40.8%。据此可以看出,城市居民已经有了比较大的投资需求。 另一方面,,利率市场化的进程加快也让银行以往的利润来源——存贷利息差越来越少,银行发展新业务已经迫在眉睫,这就让收益较高、风险较小的银行个人理财业务迅速地崛起。银行理财业务是银行在对客户各方面的信息进行了解以后,对客户的风险偏好和投资需求进行分析,然后为客户制定理财方案以及选择合适的金融工具以求达到资产价值最大化的业务。理财业务不仅能满足客户资产保值增值的需求,也为银行开辟了一条新的盈利途径。商业个人理财业务在某些发达国家已经有上百年发展历史,但是在我国从开始至今还只发展了二十来年,还存在着不少问题。 文章首先对我国商业银行个人理财业务目前的状况进行了分析并且介绍了现在我国市场上存在的各类理财产品,然后探讨了其中存在的各项问题,最后从我国银行理财业务的实际情况出发借鉴发达国家的经验提出了相关的对策建议。全文一共分为七个部分:前言部分阐明了文章的国内外研究现状、研究思路与方法、选题意义、选题背景和主要创新点;第二部分主要是介绍何为个人理财业务与理财业务发开展的理论基础,并简要阐述了商业银行个人理财业务的起源与在我国的发展进程;第三部分对我国商业银行个人理财业务的现状做了重要的分析,并且对现在我国市场上存在的主要银行理财产品做了解说;第四部分析了我国商业银行个人理财业务在目前发展的状况下所存在的各项问题;第五部分简要介绍了美国和日本的银行个人理财业务发展背景及特点,以及从中能给我国的启示;第六部分针对我国商业银行个人理财业务现在的问题,借鉴美国和日本的经验提出了改善建议;第七部分是对文章的总结,同时说明了文章的不足之处。 文章认为我国商业个人理财业务的主要问题包括分业经营对我国商业银行理财业务的限制、银行营销意识淡薄、没有明确的细分市场、理财产品创新不足、投资者的求偿权难以实现、银行风险提示不够以及专业理财人才缺乏,从而提出了完善理财法律体系、提高监管水平,保护投资者合法权益、加大技术投入,做好线上理财工作、提高理财人员的综合素质、加强与各金融机构的合作以及完善客户管理体系六个方面的建议。文章的主要创新点是比较系统地分析了近年来我国商业银行个人理财业务的发展现状、以及在互联网金融的冲击下带来的新问题,在总结国内外研究成果和借鉴发达国家经验的基础上,提出了银行应该重视互联网技术在个人理财业务中的应用,其中尤其是银行需要发展线上理财具有个人独到的见解。
[Abstract]:Since China ' s reform and opening - up , the economy has risen rapidly . After entering the 21st century , the domestic market has gradually opened up , and the living standard of the residents has been improved to a great extent . The per capita GDP of Shanghai , Beijing , Tianjin and Jiangsu , Zhejiang and other cities has gradually increased to reach the level of moderately developed cities . In 2012 , the Engel ' s coefficient of the residents in Shanghai , Beijing , Tianjin and Jiangsu , Zhejiang and other cities has decreased by more than 20 % , the Engel ' s coefficient of the urban residents is 38.7 % , and the Engel ' s coefficient of the rural residents is 40.8 % .

On the other hand , the process of the marketization of interest rate also makes the bank ' s previous profit source _ deposit and loan interest difference less and less , the bank development new business is imminent , which makes the bank personal financing business of higher profit and less risk to rise rapidly . The financing business can not only meet the demand of customer ' s asset value preservation and appreciation , but also open up a new profit path for the bank .

This paper first analyzes the current situation of personal financing business of commercial banks in China , and introduces all kinds of financial products in China ' s market , then discusses the problems existing in China , and puts forward some suggestions on countermeasures from the actual situation of our country ' s bank financing business .
The second part mainly introduces the theory basis of how to carry out personal finance business and financing business , and briefly expounds the origin and development process of personal financing business of commercial bank ;
The third part makes an important analysis on the present situation of the personal financing business of commercial banks in China , and makes an understanding of the major financial products in China ' s market .
The fourth part analyzes the problems existing in the current development of personal finance business of commercial banks in China ;
The fifth part briefly introduces the background and characteristics of personal financing business in the United States and Japan , as well as its inspiration to China .
The sixth part aims at the present situation of the personal financing business of commercial banks in China , and puts forward some suggestions for improvement from the experience of the United States and Japan .
The seventh part is the summary of the article , and also explains the shortcomings of the article .

This paper points out that the main problems of commercial personal finance business in China include the limitation of the financial business of commercial banks in our country , the weakness of the bank ' s marketing consciousness , the lack of clear subdivision market , the lack of financial product innovation , the difficult realization of the investor ' s claim rights , the strengthening of the cooperation between the financial institutions and the improvement of the client management system .


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