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发布时间:2018-08-06 08:28
【摘要】:在全球经济复苏疲软,不确定性因素较多的国际大背景下,中国经济面临着外贸增速放缓、资本投资效应递减、全要素生产率下降、内需活力不充分、市场机制不健全、地方政府债台高筑以及跨境资本流动活跃等一系列严峻挑战。在这种背景下,商业银行所处的生存环境将发生根本性变化,如监管环境日趋严格、金融需求日益多样、信息科技快速发展、金融改革持续推进、传统的产业竞争格局和盈利模式逐渐被打破等,加快商业银行转型步伐是适应后金融危机时代经济发展新要求的关键所在。 2013年9月16日,中国银监会主席尚福林在中国银行业协会第十三次会员大会上表示:“‘跑马圈地’和盲目铺摊子的做法已经不能适应银行业转型发展需要。商业银行应该从特色发展着手,因地制宜、精耕细作,形成比较优势,全面提升市场竞争能力”。商业银行转型的本质就在于:发展理念由从外部找市场转变为从内部要效益;发展模式从外延扩张式转变为内涵集约式;盈利方式从依靠利差转变为通过提供高品质、高契合度、高附加值的金融服务获利。而要实现上述转变,最关键的工作之一就是要设计与优化商业银行组织体系。组织体系涵盖商业银行的组织结构、管控模式、业务流程,关乎一家银行运作的质量、成本、效率、风险,是“牵一发而动全身”的转型基础,是践行精耕细作、特色发展战略的重要保证。从目前国内商业银行的组织体系来看,普遍存在着组织体系设计与银行发展战略未有效统一;以客户为中心的经营理念没有充分体现;事业部制改革仍面临一定困难;流程再造能有待进一步提升等方面的问题。而花旗、汇丰、德意志等全球知名商业银行的发展经验表明,随着宏观经济的变革与发展,设计优化商业银行组织体系、建立事业部制以及持续进行流程再造能有效提高组织结构的灵活性和协同性,推动管理扁平化、运营集中化和业务专业化,提升管理效率和风险抵御能力,为打造屹立不倒的“百年老店”奠定坚实基础。 遵照“文献回顾梳理——初始概念模型和研究命题构建——结构方程模型分析——现状及问题分析——探索性案例研究——设计构想提出”的行文思路,本研究立足于商业银行经营实践,基于社会系统理论、价值链理论和流程管理理论,运用探索性案例研究、结构方程模型分析方法,分析了组织体系、流程再造与银行绩效之间的关系,根据实证研究结论,提出商业银行组织体系设计优化构想、事业部制设计构想和流程再造设计构想。全文主要包括四大部分内容: 第一部分是本研究的第二章和第三章,系统回顾和梳理了有关商业银行组织与流程再造的基础理论和相关研究,并对商业银行组织体系与银行绩效之间关系进行实证分析。首先,本研究通过梳理社会系统理论、价值链理论、流程再造理论的发展脉络,得到商业银行组织与流程再造研究的理论依据。同时,对商业银行组织与流程再造的国内外研究现状进行了梳理,通过对商业银行组织体系、流程再造与组织绩效等主要研究成果的整理,发现本研究的参考依据以及实现预期创新的研究切入点。其次,通过理论回顾和文献探讨,提出商业银行组织体系、流程再造和绩效表现的理论模型和初始假设,商业银行组织体系包括组织结构、管控模式和关键能力等3个二级维度,流程再造主要包括业务流程和管理流程的优化整合,绩效表现包括客户、市场和财务等3个二级维度。最后,通过对200多家国内商业银行(含外资行)的问卷调查获得样本数据,运用结构方程模型(SEM)对模型进行实证研究,估计模型相关参数。研究表明:(1)银行的总分行多层组织结构将向业务单元制组织结构转变;(2)银行事业部改革或具有事业部特征的组织体系调整能有效提升银行组织绩效。组织结构的扁平化和垂直化、流程的简单化和标准化以及关键专业能力的提升是事业部制的核心内容。事业部制可以实现组织结构的扁平化、垂直化模式、市场导向的管控模式以及中后台服务的共享;(3)流程再造是国内商业银行提升效率的关键举措,可以有效提升银行客户绩效和财务绩效。 第二部分是本研究的第四章,提出“以客户为中心”的商业银行组织体系设计优化构想及流程。首先,阐明商业银行组织体系设计的内涵及发展趋势,对比分析直线职能模式、事业部模式、矩阵模式、混合模式和网络模式等主流银行组织体系模式,并深入剖析从直线职能制向事业部制演进的逻辑——以客户为中心,实现交易成本的节约和运营效率的提升;其次,分析提出了商业银行组织体系设计的四大影响因素,即组织战略、组织规模、生命周期和信息技术;再次,阐述了组织体系设计的总体目标及设计思路,系统性提出了商业银行组织体系设计框架,包括战略管理、业务单元、风险管理、资源配置、运营支持等涵盖前中后台五大模块,实现各模块职责分工明确,相互独立又相互协同运作,共同构成银行组织体系设计的主体内容,具体方案包括建立综合性、一体化的战略管理体系,实施客户线与产品线并重的营销管理,实行警察型或合作伙伴型风险管理,搭建高效的资源配置体系,建立集中的运营支持体系。同时,深入探究了高效银行组织体系应具备的六大核心要素,即公司治理、“以客户为中心”战略、事业部制的组织结构、全面风险管理、价值导向的资源配置、集中统一的运营支持体系;最后,提出商业银行组织体系设计优化流程,包括现有体系评估、目标体系设计、实施路径规划、持续优化四个阶段。 第三部分是本研究的第五章,提出商业银行事业部制设计构想。首先,在分析国内商业银行事业部制改革现状的基础上,揭示出事业部制改革中存在着过于依赖总分支行制、事业部制管理模式不完善、权责不匹配、信息沟通不畅等问题;其次,基于对先进银行领先实践的总结与借鉴,在事业部制改革的总体思路与目标的指导下,分别设计公司金融事业部制和零售金融事业部制构想,公司金融事业部制主要有客户导向和产品导向两种模式,零售金融事业部制主要有产品驱动型、产品和渠道共同驱动型和渠道驱动型三种模式;最后,从组织结构、职能模块划分、运行模式、中后台同步转型四个维度提出公司金融事业部制改革构想,从战略定位与业务规划、运行机制、产品创新、营销服务以及考核激励等方面提出零售金融事业部制改革构想。 第四部分是本研究的第六章,提出商业银行流程再造设计构想。首先,在分析国内商业银行流程再造现状的基础上,揭示存在流程再造覆盖面单一、深度不够、尚未形成内生机制以及流程再造效果不佳等问题。其次,系统总结基于精益六西格玛管理的流程再造方法技术工具,阐述基于PRSS(六西格玛再造银行流程)的理论框架,并较为全面的提出基于六西格玛管理的商业银行流程再造的五大阶段,即制定战略目标阶段、原有流程评估阶段、新流程的构造、新旧流程转换阶段、可持续的改进流程。再次,设计提出商业银行流程再造的目标、模式、实施路径及推进策略。提出流程再造的原则和目标,并对流程再造模式进行总结提炼,主要模式有:按照推进速度快慢,可以分为渐进式和激进式;按照实施主体的主动性,可以分为诱致式和强制式;按照实施的主体不同,可以分为需求主导型和供给主导型。同时,设计流程再造的七大实施步骤,从企业文化、组织体系、信息系统和风控体系等维度提出流程再造的关键策略,并以风险管理流程再造方案为案例进行诠释。(4)完善流程持续改进的保障机制,包括搭建流程再造全面管理系统、强化信息科技服务能力、建立集中化数据平台和运营管理和强化团队建设和培训机制。 本研究主要创新之处在于:(1)将组织体系视为关系组织结构、职能分工、管控模式、运营流程等多要素的有机系统,进一步丰富和拓展了组织体系的研究内涵。(2)通过增加流程再造为中介变量,构建商业银行组织体系——流程再造——银行绩效之间的实证分析模型,进一步深化了商业银行组织体系与绩效表现之间的实证研究。(3)针对公司金融业务和零售金融业务的不同特点,提出商业银行事业部制的设计思路与目标、设计模式选择,并提出公司金融和零售金融事业部制改革构想,进一步深化了对商业银行组织体系的研究。 本研究丰富了商业银行组织体系的内涵和研究方法,进一步深化对商业银行组织体系设计、事业部制改革和流程再造的研究,通过提升商业银行组织体系设计优化、事业部制改革与流程再造能力,构建商业银行核心竞争力,提高商业银行精细化管理水平,增强商业银行应对经营环境变化带来的严峻挑战的能力。
[Abstract]:In the international background of weak global economic recovery and more uncertain factors, China's economy is facing a series of severe challenges, such as the slowdown in foreign trade growth, the diminishing effect of capital investment, low total factor productivity, inadequate domestic demand vitality, imperfect market mechanism, high construction of local governments and active cross-border capital flow. Under the view, the living environment of commercial banks will change radically, such as the increasingly strict regulatory environment, the increasing diversity of financial demand, the rapid development of information technology, the continuous promotion of financial reform, the gradual breaking of the traditional industrial competition pattern and profit pattern, and the acceleration of the transformation of commercial banks to the economic crisis in the post financial crisis era. The key to the new requirements.
In September 16, 2013, Shang Fulin, chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission, said at the thirteenth meeting of the China Banking Association: "running horses in circles" and blind spread of stalls have not adapted to the needs of the transformation and development of the banking industry. Commercial banks should proceed from the development of the banking industry. The essence of the transformation of commercial banks lies in the essence of the transformation of commercial banks in the following aspects: the transformation of the development concept from the external market to the internal benefit; the transformation of the development model from the extension expansion to the intension; the profit pattern is transformed from the profit margin to the high quality, high agreement, and high value-added financial services. One of the most important tasks is to design and optimize the organizational system of commercial banks. The organization system covers the organizational structure, control mode and business process of commercial banks. It is related to the quality, cost, efficiency and risk of a bank operation. It is the basis for the transformation of the whole body of the bank. It is the practice of intensive cultivation and characteristic development strategy. An important guarantee. From the current organizational system of domestic commercial banks, there is a general lack of effective unity between the design of the organization system and the development strategy of the bank; the business concept centered on the customer is not fully embodied; the reform of the business department system is still facing certain difficulties; the process reengineering can be further promoted, and the Citigroup, The development experience of the world famous commercial banks, such as HSBC and Deutsche, shows that, with the change and development of the macro-economy, the design and optimization of the organizational system of commercial banks, the establishment of the system of business and the continuous process reengineering can effectively improve the flexibility and synergy of the organization structure, and promote the flat management, centralized operation and professional business. To enhance management efficiency and risk resilience will lay a solid foundation for building a "century old shop" that stands firm.
In accordance with "review of literature review - initial conceptual model and research proposition construction - Analysis of structural equation model - Status and problem analysis - exploratory case study - design concept put forward", this study is based on business practice of commercial banks, based on social system theory, value chain theory and process management. In theory, using exploratory case study and structural equation model analysis method, the relationship between organization system, process reengineering and bank performance is analyzed. According to the conclusion of the empirical research, the design optimization concept of commercial bank organization system, the design conception of business department and the design of process redesign are put forward. The full text mainly includes four parts:
The first part is the second chapter and the third chapter of this study. It reviews and combs the basic theory and related research about the business bank organization and process reengineering, and makes an empirical analysis on the relationship between the organizational system of commercial banks and the performance of the bank. First, this study is made by combing the social system theory, value chain theory and process reengineering. The theoretical basis of the development of commercial bank organization and process reengineering is obtained. At the same time, the current research status of commercial bank organization and process reengineering is combed, and the reference and Realization of this research are found through the arrangement of the main research results of commercial bank organization system, process reengineering and organizational performance. Secondly, through the theoretical review and literature review, we put forward the theoretical model and initial hypothesis of the organizational system, process reengineering and performance performance of commercial banks. The commercial bank organization system includes 3 two levels of organizational structure, control mode and key capability, and the process reengineering mainly includes business process and management flow. The performance performance includes 3 two levels of customer, market and finance. Finally, through the questionnaire survey of more than 200 domestic commercial banks (including foreign banks), the sample data are obtained, and the structural equation model (SEM) is used to study the model and estimate the model related parameters. (1) the bank's general branch of the branch is a multi-layer group. The fabric structure will change to the organization structure of the business unit system; (2) the reform of the banking department or the adjustment of the organizational system with the characteristics of the business department can effectively improve the organizational performance of the bank. The flat and vertical structure of the organization, the simplification and standardization of the process and the promotion of the key professional ability are the core contents of the business department system. It can realize the flat structure, the vertical mode, the market oriented management and control mode and the sharing of the medium and back-end services. (3) the process reengineering is the key measure to improve the efficiency of the domestic commercial banks, which can effectively improve the bank's customer performance and financial performance.
The second part is the fourth chapter of this study. It proposes the design and process of the design and optimization of the "customer centered" commercial bank organization system. Firstly, it clarifies the connotation and development trend of the design of the commercial bank organization system, and compares and analyzes the mainstream banking organizations, such as the linear function model, the business model, the matrix model, the mixed mode and the network model. The system model, and in-depth analysis of the logic from the linear function to the evolution of the business system - taking customers as the center, to realize the saving of transaction costs and the improvement of operational efficiency; secondly, the analysis and analysis put forward four major factors affecting the design of the organization system of commercial banks, namely, organization strategy, organization scale, life cycle and information technology. The overall objectives and design ideas of the organization system design are described. The design framework of the commercial bank organization system is put forward systematically, including the five major modules in the front and middle stages, such as strategic management, business unit, risk management, resource allocation, operation support, etc., to realize the clear division of responsibilities of various modules, independent and cooperative operation of each other, together to form silver The main contents of the design of the line organization system include the establishment of comprehensive, integrated strategic management system, the implementation of the marketing management of the customer line and the product line, the police type or the partner type risk management, the establishment of an efficient resource allocation system and the establishment of a centralized operation support system. At the same time, the efficient bank is deeply explored. The organization system should have six core elements, namely, corporate governance, the "customer centered" strategy, the organization structure of the enterprise, the overall risk management, the value oriented resource allocation and the centralized and unified operation support system. Finally, the design and optimization process of the commercial bank organization system, including the existing system evaluation and the target system, are put forward. The implementation of the path planning, the continuous optimization of the four stages.
The third part is the fifth chapter of this study, put forward the design concept of business banking department system. First, on the basis of analyzing the current situation of the reform of the domestic commercial bank system, it reveals that there are many problems in the reform of the business department system, such as the overreliance on the total branch line system, the imperfect management mode of the business department, the mismatch of the power and responsibility, the poor information communication and so on. Secondly, based on the summary and reference of advanced banks' leading practice, under the guidance of the overall thinking and goal of the reform of the system, the company's financial undertakings system and the retail finance ministry system are designed respectively. The company financial sector system mainly has two modes of customer orientation and product orientation, and the main retail financial sector system has products. Driving type, product and channel co driven and channel driven three modes. Finally, from the organizational structure, function module division, operation mode, and the background synchronization transformation four dimensions of the corporate financial sector system reform concept, from strategic positioning and business planning, operation mechanism, product innovation, marketing service and assessment incentives and so on. We put forward the idea of the reform of the retail financial sector system.
The fourth part is the sixth chapter of this study, put forward the design conception of BPR for commercial banks. First, on the basis of analyzing the current situation of BPR domestic commercial banks, it reveals that there is a single problem of process reengineering, lack of depth, no endogenous mechanism and poor efficiency of process reengineering. Secondly, the systematic summary is based on lean six West. The method and technology tool of process reengineering, based on the PRSS (Six Sigma reengineering bank process) and the five stages of commercial bank process reengineering based on Six Sigma management, are put forward, that is to make the strategic target stage, the original process evaluation stage, the new process structure, the new and old process transformation stage, The goal, model, implementation path and promotion strategy of commercial bank process reengineering are put forward. The principles and goals of process reengineering are put forward, and the model of process reengineering is summarized and refined. The main models are: according to the speed of advancing speed, it can be divided into progressive and radical type; the initiative of the implementation subject is in accordance with the initiative of the implementation subject. It can be divided into inducement and compulsive type. According to the different subject of implementation, it can be divided into demand leading and supply leading. At the same time, the seven implementation steps of design process reengineering are put forward from the key strategies of enterprise culture, organization system, information system and wind control system, and the plan of process reengineering of risk management is taken. The case is explained. (4) improve the guarantee mechanism of continuous process improvement, including building a comprehensive management system for process reengineering, strengthening the ability of information technology service, establishing centralized data platform and operation management and strengthening team building and training mechanism.
The main innovations of this study are: (1) the organization system is regarded as the organic system of relationship organizational structure, functional division of labor, control mode, operation process and so on, which further enriches and expands the research connotation of the organization system. (2) building a commercial bank organization system - Process Reengineering by increasing the process reengineering as the intermediary variable. The empirical analysis model between bank performance further deepens the empirical study between the organizational system and performance performance of commercial banks. (3) in view of the different characteristics of the company's financial business and the retail financial business, the design ideas and objectives of the business banking system are proposed, the design pattern is chosen, and the financial and retail financial undertakings of the company are put forward. The reform of the ministry system further deepened the study of the organizational system of commercial banks.
This research enriches the connotation and research methods of the commercial bank organization system, further deepens the design of the commercial bank organization system, the reform of the business sector system and the process reengineering, through the improvement of the design and optimization of the commercial banks' organizational system, the ability of the reform of the business system and the reengineering of the process, the construction of the core competitiveness of commercial banks and the improvement of commercial banks. Meticulous management level will enhance the ability of commercial banks to cope with the severe challenges brought about by changes in business environment.


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