[Abstract]:With the development of the Internet and information technology, massive and multi-type data have generated a huge demand for data processing, which has led to a high prosperity of the information industry. Enterprises in various industries have added or strengthened departments of information technology, increased the intensity of information construction, increased scientific and technological investment in areas such as cloud computing, big data, and so on, in order to seize the strategic highlands used by big data in the Internet age. Thus in the fierce market competition to win the first chance. At present, the extension of the concept of "Internet" continues to expand, big data's application in many industries, as well as the revolutionary impact on the development of these industries, has been repeatedly seen in newspapers. There is a high demand for the application of information technology in the financial industry, and the emergence of big data has brought a rare opportunity for the financial industry to keep pace with the times. The application of big data technology in the financial industry is studied in depth. It is of great practical significance not only to carry out market prediction and risk control for financial enterprises, but also to innovate individual financial products and services. Moreover, the sustained and rapid development of the entire industry has a profound impact.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学信息学院;
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