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发布时间:2018-10-08 12:39
【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的可支配收入不断增加,个人理财市场逐渐成为了各金融机构的必争之地。从目前金融市场的发展趋势来看,他们的产品会越来越丰富,对缺乏专业知识的普通投资者而言选择也会越来越困难。 在这过程中,站在公正的立场上、以客户需求为导向的第三方理财机构逐渐吸引了众人的目光。他们能够从实际出发,在客户立场上为客户研究、筛选理财产品并提供合适的投资组合建议。这既是第三方理财存在的价值,也是所有投资者的期望和需要。第三方理财在发达国家和地区已经发展较成熟并占据了个人理财的很大市场份额,国内不断扩张的个人理财需求也为第三方理财市场的发展提供了良好的机遇。 有发展必会有竞争,且随着发展的深入竞争将会变得更加激烈。很多新设的第三方理财机构,,为了快速建立团队,采取提高产品佣金的方式来吸引人才的加入。这让一些本来追求长期价值的理财顾问开始短视,给理财客户的资金安全以及整个行业的长期发展带来了众多的不稳定因素。另外,进入门槛低、不正当竞争,使得我国第三方理财市场在部分地区出现了脱离“第三方”本质的情形,甚至有的打着理财的幌子进行非法集资、放高利贷等非法活动。如何吸趋利避害,摸索出一套适合国内理财市场发展的模式,成为目前我国第三方理财需要面临的现实问题。 本文将从整体的视角切入,综合运用经济学、管理学、营销学的相关理论进行研究,采用文献分析和实证分析的方法,探究当前我国第三方理财的发展路径。在对我国第三方理财行业发展阶段进行梳理的基础上,对第三方理财的一些经营模式进行分析,并描述了目前国内第三方理财行业的发展现状;运用PEST分析法对国内第三方理财的发展环境进行了分析,阐述了发展前景;最后对第三方理财行业和机构的发展对策进行了探究,从外部环境和内部战略对策进行总结以期为我国的第三方理财行业和机构的发展提供一定的参考。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the increasing of disposable income, personal financial market has gradually become a necessary place for financial institutions. Judging by the current trend in financial markets, their products will become more and more abundant, and it will be increasingly difficult for ordinary investors who lack the expertise to choose. In this process, in a fair position, customer-oriented third-party financial institutions gradually attracted the attention of the public. They are able to research and select financial products and provide appropriate portfolio recommendations for clients from a practical point of view. This is not only the value of third-party financial management, but also the expectations and needs of all investors. Third party financial management has developed more mature in developed countries and regions and occupied a large market share of personal finance. The expanding demand for personal finance in China also provides a good opportunity for the development of third party financial markets. There will be competition with development, and will become more intense as development deepens. Many of the new third-party wealth managers, in order to quickly set up teams, increase product commissions to attract talent. This has led to shortsightedness among financial advisers who have sought long-term value, creating a number of destabilizing factors for the financial safety of wealth management clients and the long-term development of the industry as a whole. In addition, the low threshold of entry and unfair competition make the third party financial market in our country appear in some areas from the nature of "third party" situation, and some even under the cover of financial management to carry out illegal fund-raising, usury and other illegal activities. How to absorb advantages and avoid disadvantages and find out a suitable model for the development of domestic financial management market has become a realistic problem facing the third party financial management in our country at present. In this paper, from the perspective of the whole, comprehensive use of economics, management, marketing related theories to study, using literature analysis and empirical analysis methods, to explore the current development path of third-party financial management in China. On the basis of combing the development stage of the third party financing industry in our country, this paper analyzes some management modes of the third party financial management, and describes the present development situation of the third party financial management industry in China. This paper analyzes the development environment of the third party financial management in China by using the PEST analysis method, expounds the development prospect, and finally probes into the development countermeasures of the third party financing industry and organization. This paper summarizes the external environment and internal strategic countermeasures in order to provide some references for the development of the third party financial management industry and institutions in China.


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