[Abstract]:As the product of national rural financial reform, Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank was established in December 2007. Although it was established less than six years ago, it has achieved remarkable results: from the original rural credit cooperatives to the rural cooperative bank and the establishment of the rural commercial bank; basically straightened out the property rights relationship. Established a relatively sound modern banking governance framework; business performance continues to improve. However, as a rural financial institution in the provincial capital city, it has also exposed some problems: the original system has not been fundamentally eliminated, the capital scale is small, the marketing method is single, the talent reserve is insufficient and so on. Economic cycle fluctuations, peer competition threats and other external adverse factors intensified. All this requires the Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank to define its development strategy, formulate scientific strategic objectives and implementation plans to achieve long-term and healthy development. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the external environment and internal conditions of Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank, this paper formulates the theoretical framework of Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank to adopt the differentiated growth strategy through SWOT analysis. This paper first expounds the background and significance of the research, and reviews the development strategy theory, the bank strategic management theory and the practice of the enterprise, and then uses the PEST analysis method to scan the external strategic environment of Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank. And from the perspective of organizational structure, human resources and finance, this paper describes the internal environment of Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank, and then analyzes the strategic environment of Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank by using SWOT matrix. The application of SWOT matrix to the strategic analysis of rural financial institutions in provincial capitals is one of the main contents of this paper. Through the above analysis, considering the future development trend of the banking industry and the operation practice of Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank, the paper draws the conclusion that Changsha Tianxin Rural Cooperative Bank should choose the differentiated growth strategy. At last, from the aspects of product innovation, marketing, risk management, human resources and corporate culture, etc. Develop specific implementation plans to achieve the above-mentioned strategy.
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