[Abstract]:Banks may face credit risks that far exceed industry expectations as a result of downward economic pressures and buoyant informal financial activity. From the current situation, there is the possibility of spreading from small and micro enterprises to large and medium-sized enterprises, from overcapacity industries to upstream and downstream industries, and from areas with concentrated risks to other regions. Corporate defaults also appear to be on the rise. In the first half of 2014, 46 major corporate debt risk incidents involving more than 40 commercial banks involving nearly 100 billion yuan were reported in the first half of 2014. One detail worth mentioning is that 21 major banks' maturity recovery on public loans fell to 94.5a percentage point in June, 2.7 percentage points lower than at the start of the year. By the end of June 2014, commercial banks had a non-performing loan ratio of 1.08 percent, an increase of 0.08 percentage points from the beginning of the year, and a 102.4 billion yuan increase in the balance of non-performing loans compared with the beginning of the year. From this we can see that the subject of credit risk management is the top priority of bank risk management for both foreign banks and Chinese banks. Based on the case study of DC Bank, this paper analyzes the credit risk management of foreign banks from the perspective of localization, and puts forward the guarantee measures for the implementation of credit risk management in commercial banks. On the other hand, it also provides new reference for the improvement of credit risk management level of other domestic commercial banks. First of all, it introduces the relevant theories of credit risk and credit risk management, including the types of commercial bank risk, the concept and formation mechanism of credit risk, the theoretical basis and evolution process of credit risk management, and the measurement technology and model. Secondly, the present situation and management process of DC bank credit risk are expounded. Taking the loan process as the main line, the paper decomposes the various parts, points out the research ideas and methods of this paper, and explains the collection process of the data in this paper. Finally, it analyzes the problems existing in the credit risk management of the DC bank at present. Based on the theoretical analysis of the causes, the paper puts forward the optimization countermeasures to promote the localization process of foreign banks and to provide a new way of thinking for the credit risk management of domestic commercial banks.
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