[Abstract]:International money can bring great economic benefits and political benefits to the issuing countries, and big countries are actively competing for higher international monetary status in the international monetary system. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the United States dollar, as the hegemonic currency of the world, was neither bound by the international system nor subject to the checks and balances of other international currencies. This allows the United States to plunder the wealth and political coercion of other countries through the dollar's dominant international monetary status. Therefore, as economic rising countries, Germany and Japan have successively adjusted their international monetary policy to follow the US dollar, and have devoted themselves to enhancing their international monetary status and promoting the formation of a diversified international monetary pattern. To counterbalance America's abuse of its monetary privilege and defend its own monetary rights and interests. Although Germany and Japan share high similarities in terms of economic strength and economic structure, due to differences in international political leadership, They have adopted two distinct international monetary strategies, the construction of a monetary union and the internationalization of unilateral currencies, which have resulted in very different checks and balances on the dollar: the euro has become the second largest currency in the international monetary system. Competitive pressure on the dollar; The unilateral internationalization of the yen has made little progress, and the yen is still far from the dollar. This has provided an important revelation to China, which is also in the process of economic rise, in terms of monetary strategy: the promotion of China's monetary status requires, in addition to consolidating its economic base, it also needs to continuously strengthen its international political leadership. And on this basis to strengthen regional monetary cooperation with neighboring countries.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学国际关系学院;
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