[Abstract]:On the basis of CARA model, IPO pricing and underpricing models under different issuing mechanisms are constructed to study the influence of investors' heterogeneity expectations on IPO underpricing, and to carry out a comparative analysis of underpricing. The research shows that both fixed price and inquiry issue can not eliminate the IPO underpricing, and the higher the investor heterogeneity is, the higher the IPO underpricing is. When the heterogeneous expectations of investors are the same under the two issuance mechanisms, the IPO underpricing under the inquiry issuance mechanism is lower than that under the fixed price issue mechanism, so it has a higher pricing efficiency; If the heterogeneity expectation of investors under inquiry is bigger, the underpricing caused by heterogeneity expectation will increase, and the IPO underpricing may be higher than fixed price issue. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is demonstrated by numerical analysis, and the reason why the IPO underpricing may be caused by the issue of inquiry is explained from the perspective of investor heterogeneity.
【作者单位】: 中央财经大学经济学院;桂林理工大学管理学院;
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