[Abstract]:Debt as one of the effective means to control overinvestment, what role does debt play in the special environment of our country? Based on this, this paper uses the non-equilibrium panel data of non-financial listed companies from 2003 to 2012, estimates the overinvestment by Richardson model, and then distinguishes the over-invested companies. This paper studies the effects of debt sources and debt maturity on overinvestment in a sample of overinvested firms, and the differences in this effect due to the degree of competition between the firm's ultimate controller and the firm's industry. It also studies the changes of debt restraint under the influence of financial development, and also considers the effect of bank loan maturity and commercial credit sources on corporate overinvestment. And this role in the financial development under the influence of changes. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Bank loans and commercial credit have restraint on overinvestment, and commercial credit is slightly stronger than bank loans. The constraints of commercial credit and bank loans have been strengthened in areas with high levels of financial development. (2) the constraints of long-term debt on overinvestment are not significant. The constraint of short-term debt on overinvestment is more significant in areas with high level of financial development. (3) the constraint of bank loans and short-term debt is more significant in non-state-owned enterprises. Bank loans and short-term debt constraints are more pronounced in areas with high levels of financial development than in state-owned enterprises. (4) Commercial credit and bank loans play a more important role in over-investment. Industries with a stronger degree of competition have performed more prominently. The constraints of commercial credit and bank loans on overinvestment are more significant in areas with higher levels of financial development. (5) the constraints of short-term bank loans on overinvestment are more evident in less competitive industries. With longer-term loans, One of the sources of commercial credit, payables, has a stronger constraint on overinvestment than prepayment. The constraint on short-term loans and payables has been significantly strengthened in areas with high levels of financial development.
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