[Abstract]:Financial industry is the core of modern economic development, and commercial banks are the most important micro-body of financial industry. Commercial banks with high market performance are not only conducive to the effective operation of the banks themselves, but also promote the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the financial industry to a great extent. With the opening up of the financial market in China and the new requirements for capital in the new Basel Accord, especially in recent years, more and more foreign financial institutions have entered the capital market of our country and carried out various kinds of financial business. The high quality service level and the high management performance have increased the pressure of the commercial bank reform in our country. The commercial banks in our country are not only challenged by foreign financial institutions, but also compete with each other all the time. In particular, Yu'e Bao, which was born in 2013, has disrupted the pace of interest rate liberalization in banks, and has made the savings deposits of banks much more segregated, and competition between banks has intensified. Based on the theory of industrial organization, combined with the existing research results at home and abroad, and based on the relationship between market structure and market performance under SCP paradigm, this paper studies the market performance of Chinese listed commercial banks as the most dynamic part of commercial banks. In the third chapter, taking 16 commercial banks listed in China as the research object, this paper makes a concrete comparative analysis on the market structure of five state-owned banks, eight national joint-stock listed commercial banks and three listed city banks. Find out the main factors that influence the market structure. In the fourth chapter of this paper, the market performance of Chinese listed commercial banks is evaluated by factor analysis, and the market performance of Chinese listed commercial banks is analyzed in the last five years, taking the market share of commercial banks as the weight. It is concluded that the market performance is on the rise and the resource allocation efficiency of the market has been improved. Through the comprehensive analysis of the third and fourth chapters, in the fifth chapter, this paper carries on the multiple linear regression analysis to the influencing factors of the market performance of the listed commercial banks in China. Market share, market concentration, capital adequacy ratio and liquidity ratio have significant positive correlation factors on the market performance of listed commercial banks in China. The cost-income ratio, non-performing loan ratio and deposit-loan ratio have significant negative correlation with their market performance. For the eight national joint-stock listed commercial banks and the three city banks listed on the market, market share is still its core content. Market concentration, market barriers and the state's policy inclination also affect its market performance to a certain extent. Therefore, it has a certain influence on the allocation of market resources and the efficiency of scale structure of the whole commercial bank. Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward four suggestions to improve the market performance of listed commercial banks in China: to improve the market structure of listed commercial banks, to optimize the governance structure of listed commercial banks, and to prevent the financial risks of commercial banks. We will encourage financial innovation in commercial banks.
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