[Abstract]:Speculative currency shocks generally target relatively fixed exchange rate regimes, excessive issuance of money and credit, heavy debt burdens, persistent current account deficits, severe capital market bubbles and overvalued exchange rates. There are countries with institutional distortions and vulnerabilities in the financial system. The renminbi has already basically had the conditions to be hit. The volatility of domestic capital markets in 2013, especially since 2015, fluctuations in the foreign exchange market, tight liquidity, and frequent outflow of hot money, etc., indicate that: Speculative currency shocks to the yuan may have occurred. Strictly controlling the short-term capital flow, prudently promoting the market-oriented reform of interest rate and exchange rate and opening up the capital market, maintaining the flexible management of liquidity, maintaining the stability of the capital market and strengthening the guidance of public opinion are all powerful measures to prevent the impact of international capital on the RMB.
【作者单位】: 南开大学经济学院国经所;
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