[Abstract]:XX Bank Guangxi Branch is the first-class branch of XX Bank Beijing head Office. In August 2004, XX Bank Guangxi Branch realized the transformation of state-owned commercial bank. With the head office listed in Hong Kong and Shanghai around 2006, the official name was changed to XX Bank Guangxi Branch. In 2013, the intermediate business was one of the "top three heads of business" of XX Bank Guangxi Branch, which was the focus of business development. And the bank card business of XX Bank Guangxi Branch also increased year by year, from 16.57% in 2011 to 23.10% in 2012, and reached 26.69% in 2013. Therefore, it can be said that the bank card business is the middle business of XX Bank Guangxi Branch. This paper analyzes the competitive strategy of XX bank card in Guangxi Branch from four aspects: external environment, internal resource allocation, competitive strategy choice and concrete implementation. External environment, including policy and justice, socio-economic and social civilization, science and technology and other macro-impact on the development of XX bank card business; At the same time, the policy and environment of other bank card business will restrict and influence the development of bank card business of XX Bank Guangxi Branch. In terms of internal resources allocation and capability, in the main business part, XX Bank Guangxi Branch has the advantages of batch business card printing, external operation, risk control, data analysis and so on. But in the bank card business marketing promotion as well as the service and so on, it appears the ability is insufficient; In the part of auxiliary business, XX Bank Guangxi Branch has some advantages in brand reputation, card holder management analysis system, system management method and personnel training. However, in the aspect of bank card acceptance channel construction, the bank Guangxi branch has some advantages in the aspects of brand reputation, card holder management analysis system, system management method and personnel training, etc. Compared with other state-owned banks, relatively imperfect at the same time, the professional team is also relatively inadequate. Through extensive and in-depth research and analysis on the bank card business policies and specific practices of the commercial banks in Guangxi, The conclusion of the development of bank card industry of XX Bank Guangxi Branch is that the opportunity of business development is greater than the future business challenge, and if the management is good, it can also be converted into a certain advantage. In the markets of large and medium-sized cities such as Nanning, Guilin and Liuzhou, through the enhancement of credit card value-added services, the development of characteristic, localized marketing activities, the use of XX Bank Guangxi Branch credit card international settlement uniqueness, XX Bank Guangxi Branch should carry out the reform of bank card business development strategy from the following five aspects: first, to change the concept of bank card business management and the business management mode, the XX Bank Guangxi Branch should carry out the reform of the bank card business development strategy from the following five aspects: Second, the channel construction of the bank card business is the key to enhance the core competitiveness of the bank card business of the XX Bank Guangxi Branch. Thirdly, the most important task for the development of the bank card business of the XX Bank Guangxi Branch is to enlarge the scale of the credit card rapidly. Fourth, by establishing and perfecting the data analysis system of the bank card holders in Guangxi Branch of the XX Bank, to further do a good job in the management and maintenance of the customers, fifth, to attach importance to the innovative work of the bank card business. Change the single product of credit card as the main profit model of bank card business of bank X bank Guangxi province branch
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