[Abstract]:Since China's reform and opening up in 1978, economic globalization and regional integration have deepened, and the links between countries and regions have become more and more close. the development of a country or region does not only depend on its own development. It is also inextricably linked to the development of other regions. After China's entry into WTO, China has entered a new stage of development, and foreign direct investment (FDI) has played a very important role in various industries of our country. Hebei Province is located in Bohai Bay, close to the capital Beijing, surrounded by Tianjin and other major cities, geographically divided into the east-central, with a very unique geographical location, at the same time has the coastline of 487km, Qinhuangdao, Tangshan, Huanghua three major ports. The characteristics of the eastern coast are obvious. In the new period, the wave of attracting foreign direct investment in the whole country has set off, and Hebei Province is also facing new opportunities and challenges in the utilization of foreign direct investment. In this paper, from the empirical point of view, the 14 influencing factors of attracting FDI in Hebei Province are qualitatively analyzed, and the influence degree of these influencing factors on the attraction of FDI in Hebei Province is found out, and the policy suggestions are put forward according to the conclusion. On the basis of summing up the previous scholars' research, starting from the present situation of using FDI in Hebei Province, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the origin, regional distribution, industry and industrial distribution and investment mode distribution of FDI in Hebei Province in 2012. Starting with the four factors that attract foreign direct investment: investment opportunities, investment attraction, investment support and return on investment, qualitative analysis of the general factors affecting foreign direct investment, Then 14 explanatory variables are selected to analyze the main factors of attracting foreign direct investment in Hebei Province. The 14 explanatory variables are: economic development level, market scale, market capacity, labor cost, degree of opening to the outside world, labor quality. Scientific and technological status, cumulative FDI, enterprise product transportation status, access to information, transportation capacity, supporting investment, labor productivity, tertiary industry. The 14 indexes were used for factor analysis, two common factors were selected, and the regression analysis was carried out according to the factor score of factor analysis, and the relationship between the 14 indexes and the attraction of foreign direct investment in Hebei Province was obtained. According to the results, some policies and suggestions are put forward to attract FDI in Hebei Province in the future.
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