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发布时间:2019-06-04 09:08
[Abstract]:The uneven location distribution of foreign direct investment in China is a practical problem worthy of attention. Excessive FDI differences are not conducive to the implementation of the regional coordinated development strategy of foreign investment in China. Therefore, it is of positive significance to analyze the present situation of regional differences of foreign investment in China and explore the factors leading to the differences of FDI in order to narrow the differences of FDI between regions and promote the coordinated development of regions. The Theil index and panel data model are used to investigate the facts and influencing factors of FDI regional differences respectively. It is found that the regional differences of FDI are mainly caused by the differences among the three zones, but the contribution in the zone tends to expand. Panel data analysis shows that the level of regional economic development, infrastructure construction, FDI agglomeration effect, labor cost, openness to the outside world and policy advantages have significant effects on the location distribution of FDI. Among them, the level of regional economic development, infrastructure, labor costs and preferential policies are the key factors leading to the regional differences in FDI, but with the passage of time, the intensity of preferential policies to attract FDI is weakening. The effect of FDI spatial agglomeration on widening the regional gap of FDI is increasing. In order to narrow the regional differences of FDI, the central government should take measures to guide the rational flow of FDI in the three regions from a macro point of view. All regions should devote themselves to developing the economy, perfecting infrastructure, improving the quality of labor force, and opening wider to the outside world. Reduce the differences in attracting investment between regions.
【作者单位】: 山东财经大学国际经贸学院;北京大学政府管理学院;北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院;


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