发布时间:2019-08-09 09:25
[Abstract]:This paper demonstrates the relationship between the regional institutional environment and the regional distribution of foreign capital in China, which is composed of three institutional variables: property right protection, contract execution and government intervention. Through the econometric test of 120 typical cities in 30 provincial districts of China, it is found that the protection of property rights at the urban and provincial levels, the improvement of the institutional environment for contract implementation and the decrease of the level of government intervention can promote the inflow of foreign capital in the city and improve the penetration of foreign capital in the urban industrial sector, among which the influence of institutional variables at the provincial and district levels is more significant and stable. After excluding the influence of geographical factors and city grade, the above conclusions are still stable. In addition, different transportation costs, industrial basis and agglomeration level between cities, policy preferences will also affect the distribution of foreign capital. This provides a new perspective for understanding the imbalance of regional distribution of foreign investment in China, and also provides empirical support for explaining the internal mechanism of China's internal reform and opening to the outside world.
【作者单位】: 中山大学中国第三产业研究中心;昆明理工大学管理与经济学院;
[Abstract]:This paper demonstrates the relationship between the regional institutional environment and the regional distribution of foreign capital in China, which is composed of three institutional variables: property right protection, contract execution and government intervention. Through the econometric test of 120 typical cities in 30 provincial districts of China, it is found that the protection of property rights at the urban and provincial levels, the improvement of the institutional environment for contract implementation and the decrease of the level of government intervention can promote the inflow of foreign capital in the city and improve the penetration of foreign capital in the urban industrial sector, among which the influence of institutional variables at the provincial and district levels is more significant and stable. After excluding the influence of geographical factors and city grade, the above conclusions are still stable. In addition, different transportation costs, industrial basis and agglomeration level between cities, policy preferences will also affect the distribution of foreign capital. This provides a new perspective for understanding the imbalance of regional distribution of foreign investment in China, and also provides empirical support for explaining the internal mechanism of China's internal reform and opening to the outside world.
【作者单位】: 中山大学中国第三产业研究中心;昆明理工大学管理与经济学院;
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