本文关键词:企业创新异质性与我国出口增长模式的关系研究 出处:《华侨大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 企业创新 异质性质量 创新品种 创新过程 创新贸易增长的三元边际
[Abstract]:With the rise of the new and new trade theory, the research on export trade has gone deep from the industry level to the enterprise level, with the concept of "enterprise heterogeneity" put forward by Melitz as the core. The theory and practice of new and new trade theory are enriched, deepened and expanded. This paper defines enterprise heterogeneity from the aspect of enterprise innovation, puts forward the concept of "enterprise innovation heterogeneity", and divides it into quality innovation. On the theoretical level, the product quality is endogenous based on Melitz model, and then embedded in the enterprise innovation heterogeneity index. To construct a new and new trade theory framework based on enterprise innovation heterogeneity. At the empirical level, because the customs import and export database is updated to 2006. Therefore, the export data of Chinese enterprises to the United States from 2000 to 2006 are selected. By using the import and export database of customs, the export growth of enterprises is divided into three parts: price growth and quantity growth. The tobit model is used to explore whether there is a one-to-one correspondence between enterprise innovation types and export growth model. The study shows that the relationship between enterprise innovation types and export growth model is one-to-one. Quality innovation is essential for every export growth. Not only to promote export prices, volume growth, but also to promote the breadth of growth, improve product quality, increase product competitiveness, promote export growth and growth model change. It is a feasible choice for Chinese enterprises to get rid of the new normal state of export depression; Process innovation will promote the growth of breadth. High productivity and competitive advantage of new products are widely accepted in the international market. This is consistent with the conclusion of the Melitz model that firms with high productivity enter the export market, those with low productivity supply the domestic market, and those with lower productivity exit from the market; (3) the contribution of variety innovation to export growth is not significant, which may be limited by data, and there is no relevant data on product types in the industrial enterprise database. In this paper, the enterprise's new product output value to increase agency breadth growth (variety growth); Therefore, increasing the investment of human capital and promoting product diversity is an effective measure to increase the breadth of export products. The scale of enterprises will affect the prices of enterprises. Therefore, we can explore the policy of export support according to the scale of enterprises: adopting price rebate, quantity tax rebate and other industrial subsidies to support the price of large-scale enterprises and increase in quantity; By increasing R & D subsidies and supporting small enterprises to develop, produce and export new products, the mixed tobit model is replaced by random tobit, and the total factor productivity (TFP) is used. Change the enterprise scale index to carry on the robustness test, the empirical result is not changed, the result is robust.
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