本文关键词:促进我国养老服务发展的财税政策研究 出处:《山西财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Population aging is a country's economic development, improve the quality of life, the inevitable result of medical and health science and technology progress brought by developed countries. The material wealth accumulated to a certain extent after it entered the aging society, so there is a strong economic base to solve the problem of the elderly. From the beginning of 1999, China with the aging society queue. But by the conditions of our country, the aging population of our country has some characteristics different from that of developed countries, such as the old before getting rich, the quantity is huge, the rapid aging, the health status of the elderly poor. Vigorously develop the pension service is a necessary requirement to meet the urgent demand of pension the engine is an important driving force for China's economic growth, and is conducive to the construction of service-oriented government. Based on the collection of relevant information on promoting the development of China's pension services tax Policy research, mainly includes five parts. The first part introduces the research background and significance, literature review, research contents and methods, the main work and innovation. The second part introduces the connotation of endowment service and relevant theories. The content and form of the pension services, pension services many kinds of products, services, participation in the main, in the process involves the relationship between the government and the main body of the market. Therefore, this paper analyzes the meaning and basic theory of pension services, to help determine the development standard of pension services and direction. The third part is the analysis of China's pension services and the fiscal policy. In the attention of the party and country, the pension service has developed rapidly in China, but there still exist some problems, such as the number of institutions of private pension institutions by the lack of facilities The camp is difficult. These problems can be effectively improved through the implementation of fiscal policy, is a key problem. Through the analysis of China's implementation of the financial investment, government purchase, financial subsidies, preferential tax policy, these policies have not found effective for China's pension promote services development. Such as guiding effect fiscal policy on the social capital of poor family support policy is single, the pension service personnel construction lack of support. The fourth part of the United States, Sweden, the UK, specifically the development of pension services in Japan in four countries were analyzed, their practices are different, unique, provides a useful reference for the practice in our country, such as the government guide the participation of top-level design, pay attention to personnel training and so on. The fifth part of the combination of China's pension services and fiscal policy and the present situation and problems of foreign countries Good experience and reference to the government's plan, goal, put forward specific policy recommendations, including the promotion of diversification, rich family policy, strengthen the construction, accelerate the construction of informationization. The purpose of this paper is to research on China's pension services and fiscal policy, for the government to formulate policies to provide new ideas, explore the promotion of resource optimization the configuration, improve the whole social welfare. The innovation of this paper is on the basis of the existing research, follow the trend of the times, to "Internet plus" point of view, put forward establish fiscal policies to strengthen the pension services informatization construction and improve the elderly people's ability of using Internet recommendations, with a strong timeliness.
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