摘要 本文使用CGSS2005年的数据,考察拥有党员身份的父亲的退休对子女收入的影响.结果表明,父亲在职和党员的交互项对子女收入有较为显著的影响.退休可以认为是一个与父母能力、子女能力和社会资本几乎无关的外生事件,这反映了政治关系特别是权力的寻租效应的存在.文章还通过除年龄平均后的回归试图更加有效地解决父亲年龄和子女年龄相关的问题,以及通过父亲教育和退休交互项对子女收入的影响,进行了侧面的证明.
Abstract:This article estimates the retirement effect of fathers with ccp membership on children's income using the 2005 cgss data. our estimation shows that the interaction term of worfing father and party membership increases children's income. since retirement can be considered to be exogenous to father's ability,this result can be seen as evidence for the existence of gains of political connection. in addition,we find that father's education,as another proxy of ability,has no retirement effect. we use an age-demeaned approach to control the influence of the correlation between father's age and children's age on children's income.
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