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发布时间:2016-12-02 13:53


摘要 本文基于(进口)非竞争型投入产出表估算了1987-2007年中国的贸易含碳量及其部门分布和国别(地区)流向,并通过结构分解分析了六大因素对其变化的影响.结果表明,2005年以来中国已经成为碳的净输出国.贸易含碳量的迅速增加主要是由贸易规模的增长带来的,不断降低的部门能源强度则是抑制其增加的主要因素,而进出口产品结构、投入结构、能源结构及碳排放系数的变化对其影响较小.

Abstract:This paper calculates the carbon contents china's trade from 1987 to 2007 based on non-competitive(import)input-output tables.the results reveal that china has become a net carbon exporting country since 2005.the increase was mainly caused by the rapidly growing trade volume.on the other hand,shifts toward products with low energy intensities significantly reduced carbon contents.however,other factors,including the changes in the composition of export and import,input mix,energy mix and carbon factors only

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