1 Introduction
1.1 Background Information
1.2 Brief Literature Review
1.2.1 International Literature Review
1.2.2 Russian Literature Review
1.3 Research Purpose, Objectives and Significance
1.4 Research Methods and Technical Route
1.5 Structure of the Research
2 Theoretical Mechanism of Product Placement
2.1 Theoretical Conception of Product Placement
2.1.1 Brief History of Product Placement Development
2.1.2 Definitions of Product Placement
2.2 Purpose and Mechanism of Product Placement
2.3 Typology of Product Placement
2.3.1 Models of Product Placement in the Movies
2.3.2 Classifications and Spheres of Using of Product Placement
3 Theoretical Frameworks of Consumer Psychology
3.1 Conceptual Base of Consumption Psychology
3.2 Analysis of the Consumption Factors
3.2.1 Social Factors
3.2.2 Psychological Factors
3.2.3 Economic Factors
3.2.4 Situational Factors
3.3 Conspicuous Consumption and Product Placement
3.3.1 Theoretical Conception of Conspicuous Consumption
3.3.2 Product Placement and Celebrity Worship Syndrome
4 Research Design and Analysis
4.1 Questionnaire Design and Data Collection
4.1.1 Variables and Measures
4.1.2 Research Hypotheses and Research Model
4.1.3 Questionnaire Structure
4.1.4 Procedure
4.1.5 Participants
4.2 Analysis Process and Results Verification
4.2.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis and Crosstabulation
4.2.2 Reliability Analysis
4.2.3 Validity Analysis
4.2.4 Regression and Bootstrap Analyses: Hypotheses Testing
Conclusions and Outlook
Appendix A Questionnaire survey (English version)
Appendix B Questionnaire survey (中文版)
Appendix C Questionnaire survey (Русская версия)
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