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cultural economy cultural trade WTO employment intra

发布时间:2016-08-01 18:05



A Panorama of the Contemporary international Cultural Trade

[1] [2]

LI Huai - liang, YAN Yu - gang (Communication University of China, Institute for cultural trade, Beijing 100024, China)



AbstrThanks to the development of the modern society, cultural economy has become one of the most important economic forms in the economic structure as well as one of the most significant factors for the national economy. Cultural economy has demonstrated great importance in the promotion of the competition power of the city, area and even the whole country. In addition, it has also contributed a lot to the employment and promoted the structure of the employment of many countries in the world. Cultural trade will play a more and more important role with the development of the cultural economy. As a kind of special trade form, contemporary international cultural trade has its own characteristics. From the perspective of area, there exists great imbalance in the contemporary cultural trade ; from the perspective of trade subject, the contemporary international cultural markets are monopolized by the large -scale media corporations; from the perspective of trade forms, the contemporary international cultural trade is mainly intra - industries trade; from the perspective of laws and regulations, WTO has become the main criterion of the contemporary cultural trade. Currently, China's cultural industries and cultural trade are still at an initial stage; therefore, to develop the international culture industries with great efforts has a momentous effect on and significant meaning to the improvement of the foreign trade structure as well as the amelioration of the cultural trade deficit of China. t; intra - industries trade


Keyword::cultural economy cultural trade WTO employment intra - industries trade


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