本文关键词:上海商业储蓄银行网点建设研究(1915-1945) 出处:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Shanghai Commercial savings Bank (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Bank") was established in June 1915, is the largest private commercial bank during the Republic of China. It was the least capitalized in the same industry at that time, once called "small bank". Through nearly two decades of hard work, Shanghai Bank has made the scale of the second only to China, traffic two of the achievements, among them. The expansion of branches is the main sign and inevitable result of its business expansion. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, the branch of Shanghai Bank shrank sharply and moved from the east coast to the southwest inland. The text of this paper is divided into three parts, summarizes the development process of bank network construction in Shanghai, and analyzes the influencing factors of bank network construction in Shanghai. The first part is according to the period of Beiyang government. Nanjing National Government "Golden decade" before the war and the Anti-Japanese War period of the historical stages to sort out the development of the Bank of Shanghai network construction process. The second part discusses the political, economic, social and traffic location factors that affect the bank network construction in Shanghai. And how these factors affect the network construction of Shanghai Bank. The third part affirms the positive role of Shanghai Bank network construction from the two aspects of promoting banking business and regional economic development; Due to the restriction of the operating environment at that time and the influence of commercial banks' profit-driven nature, the construction of Shanghai Bank's network has some limitations. This paper studies the construction of Shanghai Bank's network in different periods. A glimpse of the relationship between the deposit of private commercial banks and the changes of the times. Under the complicated and changeable situation in modern times, Shanghai Bank chose to maintain a certain distance from the government and uphold the concept of serving the society. Finally, the bank itself and the regional economic development to achieve a win-win.
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