本文关键词:中国参与全球金融治理体系改革的思路和策略——基于存量改革和增量改革的视角 出处:《天津社会科学》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 全球金融治理体系 国际金融机构 国际货币体系
[Abstract]:Under the current international economic pattern, the malpractice of the traditional financial governance system is constantly exposed, which seriously hinders the sustainable development of the world economy. China should participate in the reform of the global financial governance system from the "stock" and "incremental" levels. On the one hand, it should actively promote the reform of the international financial institutions, the international monetary system and the international regulatory framework. On the other hand, it promotes the establishment of regional multilateral financial institutions, advocates the concept of green development, speeds up the process of RMB internationalization and optimizes the overseas layout of Chinese banks. The dominant position of the US dollar in the international monetary system is stable, the new regional multilateral development institutions are under internal and external pressure, and the global economic uncertainty is increasing, and so on, so China must consolidate its domestic economic base. We should further promote financial reform and open development, enhance the institutional voice and international influence in global economic governance, and actively participate in the construction of a new global financial governance system that conforms to the overall interests of the international community.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院;
【正文快照】: 2008年国际金融危机爆发之后,世界经济格局发生重大变化,新兴经济体快速崛起,2015年占全球经济的比重为30.3%,对全球经济增长的贡献度为52.9%,远大于G7国家的22.9%和欧盟国家的12.2%(1)。然而,在现行全球金融治理体系和架构下,在国际货币体系中占主导地位的美国却无视世界经济
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