本文关键词:关于我国政府对私募基金的监管研究 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the financial market in our country, as an important part of the security market, private equity funds have experienced more than 20 years of development. It has gradually become an important part of investment tools and not to be ignored in the capital market of our country, and has made outstanding contributions to the establishment of multi-level financial market and the enrichment of financial investment instruments. Since the development of private equity funds in China is generally compared with the western developed countries, the initial period of development is relatively late, and the overall level of development is not as mature as that of the western countries. At present, the development of private equity fund in our country is in the primary stage, and there are a series of problems in supervision, such as unclear supervision, overlapping of cross-regulation and the vacuum zone of supervision. In addition, there is still no clear legal definition of private equity funds in China. The development of private equity funds has been accompanied by the lack of a complete system of laws and regulations. These problems are likely to make private equity funds in China become a potential instability in the securities market and financial explosion at any time. The fuse of the crisis. At the same time, it will even involve the whole securities market in the risk area. To some extent, it affects and hinders the healthy and orderly development of private equity fund market in China. This paper mainly studies how to regulate and supervise the private equity fund market from the angle of government. The article uses the problems presented in Xu Xiang's case as a breakthrough point to dig into the main problems existing in the supervision of private equity funds by our government, and find out the reasons for the problems. On the basis of considering the specific situation of the development of China's securities market based on the experience of the supervision of private equity funds in the United States and the United Kingdom, this paper makes an analysis of the unreasonable problems in the supervision of private equity funds in our country. And puts forward the corresponding solution countermeasure and suggestion accordingly.
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