本文关键词:基于三阶段DEA的我国旅游上市公司经营效率评价研究 出处:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 旅游上市公司 经营效率 三阶段DEA 交叉效率
[Abstract]:2016 is the opening year of the 13th Five-Year Plan. At present, China is in a critical period of industrial transformation. Tourism is one of the fastest developing and most promising emerging industries in the world. The country has taken it as one of the new strategic industries, rising to the national strategic level, along with the rapid development of tourism. Tourism enterprises are springing up and growing up. Tourism listed companies stand out because of their unique advantages, which is a typical representative of the tourism industry. It plays an important role in the growth of tourism industry. Its operating efficiency directly reflects the resource utilization of listed tourism companies and the recent development of tourism industry. In a large amount of literature reading and theoretical learning basis. Go. This paper uses the three-stage DEA method to calculate the operating efficiency of 25 domestic tourism listed companies, and obtains more objective and accurate operating efficiency value by removing the influence of external environmental variables. At the same time, through the category of tourist attractions. Hotel and comprehensive three types of tourism listed companies operating efficiency comparison analysis, to find out the difference in the level of operational efficiency. Finally, the use of DEA cross-efficiency to re-estimate the adjusted input-output index. From this, the cross-efficiency value of tourism listed companies and its complete ranking are obtained, and the benchmarking enterprises in the industry are found and benchmarked management is carried out. The research shows that. After excluding the influence of the external environmental variables and random interference, the operating efficiency of the tourism listed companies changes significantly. The established years, the per capita regional disposable income. Regional GDP growth rate and geographical location have a significant impact on the operating efficiency of tourism listed companies; The traditional one-stage DEA model has seriously overestimated the operating efficiency of tourism listed companies. After adjustment, the technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of tourism listed companies have declined. It shows that the overall operating efficiency of tourism listed companies in China is not high, there is still 28% room for improvement; In addition, the technical inefficiency before adjustment is mainly caused by management inefficiency, that is, the pure technical efficiency is lower. After adjustment, the impact of pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency on the loss of technical efficiency of tourism listed companies is equal. It shows that the Chinese tourism listed companies need to be improved both in the scale of operation and in the level of management. After adjusting the environmental factors and errors, the listed companies in scenic spots have become the most efficient listed companies, surpassing hotels and comprehensive listed companies.
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