本文关键词: 邮储银行白城分行 柜员培训 培训方案 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the progress and development of science and technology and the times, the core competitiveness of enterprises is not only the improvement of technical level, but also the comprehensive ability of employees and the competition of talents. The competition among commercial banks has evolved into a competition for high-quality personnel. In recent years, banks have paid more and more attention to the training of grass-roots staff, especially the training of tellers. The Paicheng Branch of the Postal savings Bank is a young bank. Most of the tellers come from the former Postal Reserve and Exchange Bureau, and other tellers are university graduates who have been recruited in recent years. The Paicheng Branch of the Postal savings Bank is compared with other state-owned commercial banks. The overall structure of tellers and the reserve of talents are relatively scarce. Therefore, under the background of increasingly fierce competition among banks, the Paicheng Branch of the Postal savings Bank urgently needs to improve the comprehensive quality and professional ability of tellers through training. In order to meet the increasing financial service needs of customers. Judging from the current training situation, as the Paicheng Branch of the Postal savings Bank has not formed a complete training system and a mature training program, the contents of the training are mainly theoretical knowledge, legal regulations, etc. It is very difficult to combine with the actual work of the teller. The improvement of the working ability of the teller is not obvious, and it is very difficult to achieve the purpose of enhancing the reserve of human resources. It is imperative to improve the comprehensive quality and post competence of cashier in Baicheng Branch of Postal savings Bank. Through reading a lot of documents, this paper defines the concept of post training of teller accurately, and further understands the necessity and importance of the training of teller. The scientific and reasonable training of teller, the study of adult education, educational psychology and other related knowledge, the efficiency and practicability of the training of teller are studied in depth, and the actual situation of the training of teller in Baicheng Branch of Postal savings Bank is combined. Under the guidance of foreign advanced training concepts, this paper synthesizes the present situation of domestic enterprises' training, draws lessons from the successful cases of excellent domestic enterprises, analyzes the effectiveness of the current system and finds out the reasons for the inefficiency. To improve the unscientific and unreasonable training of tellers in the Paicheng Branch of the Postal savings Bank, emphasize the necessity of attaching importance to staff training and development, put forward specific implementation measures, optimize the training programs for tellers, and strengthen the training results. Strengthen the culture training of postal savings and the quality training of tellers, and evaluate the effect of the redesigned training programs. On the theoretical level, it basically solves the problems existing in the current post training scheme for teller in Baicheng Branch of Postal savings Bank, and further improves the knowledge reserve and ability training of teller employees, so as to truly optimize training resources and strengthen training effect. In order to build a high quality and harmonious teller team, the paper points out the direction for the current situation that the city bank can not get good results by training, and provides a powerful reference for the future strengthening and improvement of the training system of the cashier in the Paicheng Branch of the Postal savings Bank. In addition, this study also provides a reference for the study and improvement of the training system of bank tellers in other small and medium-sized cities.
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