本文关键词: 债务期限异质性 债务来源异质性 投资规模 非效率投资 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:China's economy is now in a critical period of transformation and reform. It is urgent to improve the investment situation and efficiency of Chinese enterprises. However, financing policies, especially debt financing, have an objective and profound impact on investment behavior. It is of great significance to explore its influence on investment behavior from the perspective of debt financing and to guide practice. Although the academic community has already been involved in the study of the relationship between debt financing and investment behavior, the conclusions are not consistent. Some studies have shown that debt financing contributes to overinvestment, others have come to the opposite conclusion, and others have shown that debt financing leads to underinvestment. In recent years, some scholars have begun to pay attention to the heterogeneity of debt, but the division of heterogeneity is mainly focused on the term structure. The research on the relationship between debt heterogeneity and investment behavior is not comprehensive enough and needs to be excavated. This paper takes the data of Chinese listed companies from 2000 to 2015 as the research sample and adopts the empirical research method. The relationship between debt heterogeneity and investment behavior is studied from the perspectives of debt maturity heterogeneity and debt source heterogeneity respectively. The heterogeneity of debt maturity is divided into long-term debt and short-term debt, and the heterogeneity of debt sources is divided into operating debt and financial debt according to China's national conditions. The definition of investment behavior also covers investment scale and underinvestment, overinvestment and overall inefficient investment. Financial debt promotes the expansion of enterprise's investment scale and intensifies the enterprise's inefficient investment. Short-term debt and operating debt both inhibit the expansion of enterprise's investment scale and slow down the enterprise's inefficiency investment, and compared with each other, the financial debt and the operating debt both inhibit the expansion of the enterprise's investment scale and slow down the enterprise's inefficient investment. The effect of long-term debt and financial debt on non-efficient investment is stronger than that of short-term debt, and the effect of operating debt on non-efficient investment is inhibited. This conclusion is verified by robust regression test. By analyzing the conclusions of the empirical research, this paper puts forward some suggestions for improving the financing status of listed companies and improving the investment efficiency of enterprises, and points out the deficiencies of this paper and the future research prospects.
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